

Lidsville is Sid and Marty Krofft's third television show following H.R. Pufnstuf and The Bugaloos. As did its predecessors, the series combined two types of characters: conventional actors in makeup filmed alongside performers in full mascot costumes, whose voices were dubbed in post-production. Seventeen episodes aired on Saturday mornings for two seasons, 1971–1973. The opening was shot at Six Flags Over Texas.

Cast for Lidsville...

Charles Nelson Reilly
Horatio J. Hoodoo
Billie Hayes
Weenie the Genie
Sharon Baird
Raunchy Rabbit
Van Snowden
Tonsolini the Opera Hat
Felix Silla
Colonel Poom
Lennie Weinrib
Captain Hooknose
Joan Gerber
Mrs. Ring-a-Ding
Walker Edmiston
Admiral Scuttlebutt