Maurice Braddell

Maurice Braddell

Born: November 23, 1900
Died: July 28, 1990
in Ealing, London, England, UK

Movies for Maurice Braddell...

Women in Revolt
Title: Women in Revolt
Character: Candy's Father
Released: December 1, 1971
Type: Movie
Candy is an aloof heiress caught in an unhappy relationship with her brother. Jackie is a virginal intellectual who believes women are oppressed in contemporary American society. And Holly is a nymphomaniac who has come to loathe men, despite her attraction to them. Together, they join a militant feminist group, P.I.G. (Politically Involved Girls), but their newfound liberation doesn't make them any happier.
Title: Flesh
Character: The Artist
Released: December 16, 1968
Type: Movie
A heroin junkie works as a prostitute to support his habit and fund an abortion needed by the girlfriend of his lesbian wife. His seedy encounters with delusional and damaged clients, and dates with drag queens and hustlers are heavy on sex, drugs and decadence.
Things to Come
Title: Things to Come
Character: Dr. Harding
Released: March 31, 1936
Type: Movie
The story of a century: a decades-long second World War leaves plague and anarchy, then a rational state rebuilds civilization and attempts space travel.
Men of Tomorrow
Title: Men of Tomorrow
Character: Allan Shepherd
Released: September 29, 1932
Type: Movie
In the years after his graduation Allen Shepherd has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson. A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited.
Her Reputation
Title: Her Reputation
Character: Eric Sloane
Released: July 21, 1931
Type: Movie
A woman plans to boost her public profile by getting a divorce. She enlists the help of a male friend to act as co-respondent leading to a series of mix-ups and her eventual decision not to get divorced.
The School for Scandal
Title: The School for Scandal
Character: Careless
Released: September 5, 1930
Type: Movie
Charles (Henry Hewitt), Joseph (Ian Fleming), and Sir Benjamin (John Charlton) are in love with Maria (Dodo Watts), and Lady Sneerwell (Anne Grey) is in love with Charles.