William Aguet

William Aguet

Movies for William Aguet...

From Mayerling to Sarajevo
Title: From Mayerling to Sarajevo
Character: Le chambellan
Released: October 10, 1940
Type: Movie
Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, is kept absent from the royal court due to his dangerous political ideas. Sent on a tour of inspections and inaugurations, he falls in love with Countess Sophie Chotek.
La Marseillaise
Title: La Marseillaise
Character: Duque de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt
Released: February 10, 1938
Type: Movie
A film about the early part of the French Revolution, shown from the eyes of the citizens of Marseille, counts in German exile and, of course, the king Louis XVI, each showing their own small problems.
Woman of Malacca
Title: Woman of Malacca
Character: Gérald
Released: October 6, 1937
Type: Movie
Unhappy with her humdrum life as a provincial schoolteacher, Audrey Greenwood marries Major Carter, an officer in the British Army whom she does not love. Not long after the wedding Carter is on his way to Malaysia, accompanied by his wife, to take up a post in the British colony. During the long sea voyage, Audrey becomes acquainted with the handsome Prince Selim, the heir to the Malaysian throne. Life in the province of Malacca soon proves disagreeable to the free-spirited Englishwoman and she becomes a social outcast when her amorous affair with the prince is discovered.
The Call of Life
Title: The Call of Life
Character: Marec
Released: May 21, 1937
Type: Movie
A love between a teacher and his assistant is thwarted, because of their too great age difference.
La fille de Madame Angot
Title: La fille de Madame Angot
Character: Trénitz
Released: October 11, 1935
Type: Movie
Under the Directory, Clairette is in love with the chansonnier Ange Pitou, while the hairdresser Pomponnet is destined for her as a husband. But Ange Pitou is flighty and lets herself be seduced by Mademoiselle Lange who wanted to know the author of seditious couplets.
Title: Barcarolle
Released: March 26, 1935
Type: Movie
Vers l'abîme
Title: Vers l'abîme
Character: Hellen
Released: July 13, 1934
Type: Movie
The dramatic story of a military attaché, in a European embassy who will sign a fake check, in order to recover important secret documents that have been stolen from him.
Title: Fanatisme
Released: June 1, 1934
Type: Movie
After many difficulties, the seductive Italian dancer, Rosine Savelli, manages to clear herself of a plot hatched against Napoleon III...
Cette nuit-là
Title: Cette nuit-là
Released: December 29, 1933
Type: Movie
To Be Loved
Title: To Be Loved
Character: Anthénor de la Chaulme-Percée
Released: October 27, 1933
Type: Movie
Gérard d'Ormoise, a young millionaire tired of the easy loves that his income earned him, takes the place of a friendly bartender. He marries the young and pretty duchess who first believed him to be an honest bartender, then a vulgar burglar.
La fusée
Title: La fusée
Character: Walther
Released: May 1, 1933
Type: Movie
The rise of a canning maker and then his abandonment of the factory because his ideal of social progress for his workers is undermined by the Board of Directors.
Plaisirs défendus
Title: Plaisirs défendus
Released: January 1, 1933
Type: Movie
My Wife as a Businessman
Title: My Wife as a Businessman
Released: September 5, 1932
Type: Movie
The Tournament
Title: The Tournament
Character: Le grand écuyer
Released: February 18, 1929
Type: Movie
Rival knights compete for the hand of a beautiful maiden in this period feature from Jean Renoir, unfortunately only available in truncated form.