Gavril Gordeev

Gavril Gordeev

Born: December 17, 1982
in Perm, RSFSR, USSR
Родился 17 декабря 1982 года в Перми. Учился в гимназии имени С. П. Дягилева. Закончил Пермский государственный технический университет.

Первые роли играл в театре-студии «КОД» под руководством М. А. Оленевой, затем в театре «Новая драма». Участник команды КВН «Парма» и сборной Пермского края «Друзья». C 2006 года резидент «Comedy Club» под псевдонимом Гавр. Сначала часто выступал в шоу с Александром Реввой, в настоящее время работает в паре с Олегом Верещагиным.

С января 2010 года участвует в скетч-шоу «Два Антона».

Генеральный продюсер Comedy Radio.

Movies for Gavril Gordeev...

Title: Exit to the City
Released: September 10, 2022
Type: TV
The documentary series "Exit to the city" allows you to look at Moscow carefully and from different angles.
Title: Zombiebox
Released: January 25, 2018
Type: Movie
A compilation of shamefully bad skits.
Title: Bar in the Big City
Character: Гость
Released: December 30, 2017
Type: TV
Title: Команда «Э»
Character: Корреспондент Тот-то Тот-то
Released: August 1, 2017
Type: TV
Title: Where is the logic?
Character: Self / Gamer
Released: November 29, 2015
Type: TV
Humanity knows two types of logic: male and female. In the new TNT show, we do not push them together, but rather make them work for one common result. Star couples, partners on the set, just good friends and acquaintances will together try to build logical links between the most seemingly illogical events, objects or facts.
What Men Do!
Title: What Men Do!
Released: February 27, 2013
Type: Movie
Unapproachable women, half a million dollars and four guys are to take part in a very funny game “Sexlotto” which is organized by an extravagant millionaire. The essence of the game is to seduce as many women as possible in the seaside resort within five days. Having received the task, the magnificent four rush into the battle.
Title: Big Difference
Character: self/guest
Released: January 1, 2008
Type: TV
The "Big Difference" is created not only for the audience, but also for those who became the hero of the parody - TV presenters and actors. A guest who comes to the studio seems to see himself through a magnifying glass, because all the details are taken into account in the parody: the character's manner of dressing, speaking, diction features, plastic, makeup, hairstyle. The uniqueness of the project is that in addition to entertainment, the program also has a developmental function. After all, our guest, who is being parodied, has a chance to look at himself from the outside, to see his shortcomings and advantages. Some people like themselves, and some don't. But the main thing is that no one remains indifferent.