Miyuki Oka

Miyuki Oka

Movies for Miyuki Oka...

OL Nikki: Shaburi-zeme
Title: OL Nikki: Shaburi-zeme
Released: March 26, 1982
Type: Movie
Black Hair Velvet Soul
Title: Black Hair Velvet Soul
Released: March 12, 1982
Type: Movie
A drunk husband has a gambling compulsion that ends up putting him in a bad way with the local Yakuza. Unable to pay his debt, he hocks the deed to his wife’s restaurant in order to stay out of trouble with the thugs. But it’s not enough. The wife has to sacrifice her body as well.
Porno document: Toruko tokkyû bin
Title: Porno document: Toruko tokkyû bin
Released: February 26, 1982
Type: Movie
Shin mibôjin geshuku hatsu hiraki hatsu ire
Title: Shin mibôjin geshuku hatsu hiraki hatsu ire
Released: December 25, 1981
Type: Movie
I Can't Take It Anymore
Title: I Can't Take It Anymore
Released: October 1, 1972
Type: Movie
Pinku from 1972.