Florian Wagner

Florian Wagner

Born: January 1, 1976
in München, Germany

Movies for Florian Wagner...

Title: Mannsbild & Pfundskerl
Character: Self
Released: March 5, 2018
Type: TV
Title: Milberg & Wagner
Character: Self
Released: January 2, 2016
Type: TV
Title: Landfrauenküche
Character: Self - Host
Released: August 12, 2009
Type: TV
Von wegen!
Title: Von wegen!
Character: Fabian
Released: October 29, 2005
Type: Movie
Davon stirbt man nicht
Title: Davon stirbt man nicht
Character: Polizist
Released: October 31, 2002
Type: Movie
Quartered at Dawn
Title: Quartered at Dawn
Character: Marc
Released: August 1, 1999
Type: Movie
In the middle of an isolated wintry field, two lustful Gen-Xers get it on in the back of their toy-bedecked Mercedes, only to unwittingly find themselves in the last reel of a horror film gone horribly wrong. Not far away, a woman smashes her car into a tree, only to discover her leg is a shredded bloody stump. Hot on her heels is a faceless ghoul hell-bent on burying his axe in her skull. A tussle ensues during which bullets are fired and limbs are lopped off. Meanwhile, the young couple gets dressed and wipes the fog from their windows; only then do they become aware of the gory melee that occurred not ten paces from their vehicle.
Title: Polizeiruf 110
Released: June 27, 1971
Type: TV
Polizeiruf 110 is a long-running German language detective television series. The first episode was broadcast 27 June 1971 in the German Democratic Republic, and after the dissolution of Fernsehen der DDR the series was picked up by ARD. It was originally created as a counterpart to the West German series Tatort, and quickly became a public favorite.