Olga Lomonosova

Olga Lomonosova

Born: May 18, 1978
in Donetsk, Ukrainian SSR, USSR, [now Ukraine]

Movies for Olga Lomonosova...

North Pole
Title: North Pole
Released: May 8, 2024
Type: Movie
The beginning of the 1960s, a period of aggravation of the confrontation between the USSR and the USA. In the most difficult weather conditions and with malfunctions on board, the first Soviet nuclear submarine K-3 sets off for a hike under the ice of the Arctic Ocean in order to surface exactly at the North Pole.
Title: Spy
Character: Анна
Released: March 27, 2023
Type: TV
Andrey Rybin, a talented analyst, works for the FSB in the department for combating organized crime and corruption. He is going to retire in order to finally relax and spend more time with his wife, adult daughter and beloved dog. Suddenly, a former CIA officer, Donovan, comes out to Rybin. Twenty-five years ago, he introduced an illegal intelligence officer, Rybin, to Russia and now demands fulfillment of his obligations. However, Rybin understands that Russia has become his native country, and now it is she, and not distant America, who is his Homeland, which needs to be protected and protected.
The Ice Demon
Title: The Ice Demon
Character: Tanya
Released: October 28, 2021
Type: Movie
Ksyusha barely remembers her father: he went missing when she was a child. Incredibly, he is showing signs of life, despite being in a coma. The man is returned home in this condition. His wife has now remarried. The family is thrown into disarray by the return of the former master of the house – terrifying things are happening in the house, and Ksyusha’s mom starts acting weird… Ksyusha begins to suspect that something supernatural, icy, and lifeless has come home with her father. And now Ksyusha and her stepfather are about to find themselves protecting their family from a demon.
Father and Son
Title: Father and Son
Released: November 10, 2020
Type: Movie
This film is dedicated to all medical professionals who tirelessly fight for our lives! We sincerely thank all those who hourly help us to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Title: Maelstorm
Released: June 26, 2020
Type: TV
A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for. This evil destroys people with impunity, and each of the characters is forced to face it personally, look inside themselves to meet their own demons and fears.
Title: Драйв
Released: May 16, 2020
Type: TV
Stuntman Anton learns that he is terminally ill and takes a risky step: to pay his mortgage and leave something to his family he turns to hijacking luxury cars. But his first attempt doesn't turn out the way he expected: he finds himself a pawn in someone else's game.
Title: Better Than Us
Character: Alla Safronova
Released: November 23, 2018
Type: TV
Moscow in a not so distant future where human beings share their daily lives with robots. Georgy, a forensic who has a robot assistant, suddenly finds himself caught up in the first murder committed by a new kind of experimental humanoid.
Title: Подозреваемый
Released: August 28, 2017
Type: TV
Title: Крёстный
Released: December 22, 2014
Type: TV
Title: Black Cats
Character: Anna Antonovna
Released: February 24, 2014
Type: TV
1947 Hunger and devastation reign in the war-drained country. Bread is worth its weight in gold, and the cost of human life is zero. Cities are controlled by criminal gangs: like black cats, they come undetected under the cover of darkness and easily disappear from the crime scene. A gang operating in Rostov-on-Don is robbing a food warehouse, but OBB Major Yegor Dragun suspects that this is not the work of ordinary criminals..
45 second
Title: 45 second
Released: March 24, 2013
Type: Movie
The melodramatic life story of the modern urban intelligentsia. 45 seconds is exactly that short time during which the life of the heroes of the picture has changed. The main character, Tatyana Chernigova, is a successful business woman, a former fearless climber, and she is experiencing a difficult family drama: unsuccessful attempts to have a baby. The trouble does not come alone, and against the background of the heroine’s psychological experiences, a criminal detective tragedy is played out, according to witnesses and participants, she becomes the culprit ...
Back - fortunately, or Who will find the Blue Bird
Title: Back - fortunately, or Who will find the Blue Bird
Released: May 8, 2011
Type: Movie
Even children know that in the new year the most unusual, most unbelievable events can happen. Only Masha does not believe in miracles. She has long been accustomed to rely only on her own strength. December 31, New Year's Eve, and meeting with your loved one - Sergey. The project on which her future career depends.
The Unforgiven
Title: The Unforgiven
Released: September 24, 2009
Type: Movie
There are six of them: Andrey, Lex, Silver, Fox, Dean and Dina — young, desperate, ready for any risk. Alice, the owner of the hothouse, offers them good money. But "money is clearly not easy" — Alice honestly warns. Why do they agree? Everyone has their own path full of criminal adventures to this decision. Initially unrelated to each other, the heroes, by the will of their dashing destinies, gradually come closer until they find themselves together in Alice's case. They do not regret that life turned out that way. They like freedom on the verge of a foul. And they don't seek forgiveness—even in the face of death...
Title: Одну тебя люблю
Character: Антонина Возницына жена Степана
Released: March 3, 2009
Type: TV
Новогодние мужчины
Title: Новогодние мужчины
Character: Алёна
Released: December 11, 2008
Type: Movie
Twice in one river
Title: Twice in one river
Released: August 16, 2007
Type: Movie
An ordinary family - Sergey, Lena and two children - are experiencing another family crisis. Love has cooled down for a long time, the couple forgot what they were striving for, and most importantly, they no longer remember why they were together. Misunderstanding and understatement in the family leads to the fact that Lena begins to suspect her faithful of virtual treason - too much time Sergey spends on the computer in the Internet chat. To return her husband, Lena goes to Chat under the guise of a 20-year-old girl. Sergei, who does not suspect that this is his wife, completely forgets about the existence of the real Lena. A virtual romance is already threatening to break up in a real family, but the case intervenes ...
Title: Большое зло и мелкие пакости
Released: April 3, 2005
Type: TV
Title: Похищение Богини
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: TV
Title: Doctor Martov
Character: Елизавета
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: TV
Russian remake of British series Doc Martin.
Title: Осведомленный источник в Москве
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: TV