Jeff Pitzner

Jeff Pitzner

Movies for Jeff Pitzner...

The Keeper of Lost Causes
Title: The Keeper of Lost Causes
Character: Egely Resident
Released: October 3, 2013
Type: Movie
Denmark, 2013. Police officers Carl Mørck and Hafez el-Assad, sole members of Department Q, which is focused on closing cold cases, investigate the disappearance of politician Merete Lynggaard, vanished when she and her brother were traveling aboard a ferry five years ago.
Title: Skyscraper
Released: September 15, 2011
Type: Movie
Jon is 17. He lives in the midst of a claustrophobic world which once seemed destined to become a seething metropolis of high-rise tower blocks and intersections until one day an absurd traffic accident occurs. At the time, Jon was made responsible. He had just turned nine years of age. Ever since, Jon’s father has anxiously watched over Jon’s development. But then one day Jon’s desire is awakened by a girl and, all at once, his oppressive environment begins to change.