Andrey Perepechko

Andrey Perepechko

Born: February 15, 1969

Movies for Andrey Perepechko...

Title: Kids
Released: April 3, 2013
Type: Movie
Russia. Our, days, general lawlessness, corruption and inaction of the authorities. But suddenly, in a small town start getting killed. The victims - drug traffickers, corrupt officials bribed the judge ... Someone has clearly decided to purge the city from evil. Who are these people's avengers?
Love the Healing Power
Title: Love the Healing Power
Released: March 18, 2012
Type: Movie
Anya has a great joy — she wins the beauty contest. It would seem that a great reason for happiness, but there is bad news: taking advantage of the circumstances, Rita's friend decides to get the groom Ani Andrew. Rita's plan is only partially fulfilled, but it is enough for Anya and Andrei to part. Anya went to Moscow, Andrew accepts a job offer and should also be in the capital. And at a time when it seems that each of them has found a new soul mate, fate pushes them together again.
Ночной таверны огонёк
Title: Ночной таверны огонёк
Released: January 9, 2012
Type: Movie
The PyraMMMid
Title: The PyraMMMid
Released: April 7, 2011
Type: Movie
Russia, early 90s. A fictional story inspired by financier Sergey Mavrodi, his securities company "MMM", and the pyramid scheme he ran that left upwards of fifteen million investors with nothing when it crashed.
Novel in letters
Title: Novel in letters
Released: February 5, 2011
Type: Movie
Young poet Tatiana comes to Moscow to enter the literary Institute. Capital meets her surly: first, a cheating taxi driver, then her trying to steal. Everything is changed by a chance meeting with a young architect Denis, who offered to drive a confused girl. A five-minute conversation in the car creates a miracle: two strange, not from this world-a poet and a hapless architect — understand that they have found each other. Here it is — happiness? But the heroes lose each other in the big city. For Tanya begins a black stripe. She does not enter the Institute and goes to work as a housekeeper.
Title: Charter
Character: Gamm
Released: June 6, 2007
Type: Movie
Что делать, если все не ладится? Если жена ушла к более удачливому коллеге, потеряна любимая работа, друзья отвернулись, вам негде жить и скоро у вас отберут даже ваш старенький автомобиль? Пить горькую? Опуститься на дно жизни? Попробовать начать все заново? Не унывайте - самое сильное лекарство от «лузерства» давно уже изобретено в Голливуде: «Не получается просто жить? Спасайте мир!» Теперь к этому рецепту прибегает отстраненный от полетов русский летчик, спасающий обреченный на гибель чартерный «Ту».Классический триллер с элементами фильма-катастрофы, «Чартер» рассказывает историю одного полета без шансов на посадку. Историю человека, поставившего на себе крест, но все еще несущего крест своей профессии, своего долга и своей никем не отмененной – человеческой порядочности.
Rhyming with love
Title: Rhyming with love
Released: May 13, 2006
Type: Movie
Fifteen-year-old Marina is given a terrible diagnosis - leukemia. Parents are shocked and they decide that only abroad can heal their child. But the oncologist Olga Nikolaevna convinces them that the girl cannot be taken away, but must be treated here, at home. In addition to everything, Marina has a rare blood group, which doctors do not have reserves of. The girl’s mother also cannot become a donor - she is expecting a second child, and an operation must be urgently needed ...
Piranha Hunt
Title: Piranha Hunt
Released: April 6, 2006
Type: Movie
Agent of special department "Piranha" Kirill Mazur and his colleague Olga go to the far north with the assignment to liquidate an underwater secret weapon lab in the guise of a mutual vacation. All of a sudden, they find themselves in the world where civilization laws are forgotten, and this deadly weapons are kept by gangsters who are controlled by a new "master of taiga" Prohor, whose leisure time is spent hunting at humans. Mazur didn't know that he would have to trade his familiar gun for a hand-made bone knife, and save his companion and himself instead of saving the world. For them, this safari in northern forests would be no less dangerous as for the live targets.
The Spot
Title: The Spot
Released: December 1, 2005
Type: Movie
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
Title: Women in a Game Without Rules
Character: отчим Витьки
Released: March 1, 2004
Type: TV
The story is about why people's destinies are intertwined, how they influence each other and how this changes the world around us.
Lady for One Day
Title: Lady for One Day
Released: June 6, 2002
Type: Movie
What should I do if life has failed? What should I do if my daughter's happiness depends on the future visit of the groom — the heir of the Spanish grandee? What should I do if the groom's father is obsessed with titles and wealth? The only way out is to turn into a rich lady for the day. Street vendor Ani, with the help of her many friends and acquaintances, cannot help but cope with this task. A brothel owner and a young conman, a judge and the mayor of New York himself are involved in an incredible cycle of events. They play out a whole performance in front of the groom and his father against the backdrop of skyscrapers, cars with horns, women's lace umbrellas and incendiary jazz melodies, and in this gala performance Anya plays the role of a real socialite…