Aleksandra Revenko

Aleksandra Revenko

Born: September 6, 1991
in Moscow, Russia

Movies for Aleksandra Revenko...

Title: Goliath
Character: Tanya
Released: September 29, 2022
Type: Movie
The Kazakh village Karatas has long been subjugated by a criminal boss called Poshaev. He provides housing and jobs for the locals but will ruthlessly execute anyone who dares to oppose him. This is the lesson the pauper Arzu is about to learn first-hand—his wife Karina has informed the police about the crimes that are taking place there. Arzu is a cripple; now he must raise his little daughter alone. He is so helpless and grief-stricken that he doesn’t even seem to be contemplating revenge. Poshaev takes him under his wing and offers him the position of a guard at a building site. Soon Arzu has a chance to prove his loyalty, and he becomes Poshaev’s right hand. But where do Arzu’s real loyalties lie—with his boss or with the idea of justice?
The Assault
Title: The Assault
Character: Lena
Released: January 26, 2022
Type: Movie
Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.
Title: Enrages
Released: January 5, 2022
Type: TV
Stories about strange, annoying and even scary moments in our lives: domestic violence, the madness of tick-tockers and their audience, the demands of society on girls and much more.
Petrov's Flu
Title: Petrov's Flu
Character: Olya
Released: September 9, 2021
Type: Movie
A day in the life of a comic book artist and his family in post-Soviet Russia. While suffering from the flu, Petrov is carried by his friend Igor on a long walk, drifting in and out of fantasy and reality.
Title: Kitchenblock
Released: May 19, 2021
Type: TV
Summer 1980. While the Olympics held in the USSR, strange and horrible things are happening in a run-of-the-mill pioneer camp. It turns out pioneer vampires exist not only in horror stories. Smart beyond his years, independent, sensitive and determined to go all the way for the right reasons, main hero Valerka, arrives at summer camp ‘Thunderbird’ for 3 weeks of carefree recreation. Little brave boy secretly aim to discover the reason behind his brother death. Harmless and eternal journey begins to turn around when he soon discovers that one of his roommates is actually sucking the blood. Now, the independent hero must team up to find out how the vampires ended up in a Soviet summer camp, how to destroy them, and who actually killed his brother. Upon the way, Valerka learn how to trust, meet friends and sacrifice himself to the one he truly fell in love. The cost of everyone`s freedoms turned him into a vampire. Has he turned into a monster forever?
What Does Slava Want?
Title: What Does Slava Want?
Released: January 6, 2021
Type: Movie
Slava is a girl who is used to living with emotions, her actions are impulsive and unpredictable. On New Year's Eve, she makes a wish that her husband Valya will become a cool startup in Silicon Valley, and she is "just" a superwoman who will save the world. But time passes, and the miracle does not happen, and Slava, having collected things, leaves her husband. However, the wish made becomes fatal: everything starts to work out for Valya, and Slava continues to live with the expectation that the world will revolve around her.
Silver Skates
Title: Silver Skates
Character: Margo
Released: December 10, 2020
Type: Movie
1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century those who should not be destined to meet, come together. They are people from different worlds: Matvey, the son of a lamplighter, whose only treasure is his silver-plated skates; Alice is the daughter of a high-ranking official dreaming of science. Each of them has his own difficult life-story, but having accidentally met they rush forward together in pursuit of their dreams.
Side Effect
Title: Side Effect
Character: Ved'ma
Released: November 5, 2020
Type: Movie
A traumatic experience leads to a break-up between a young married couple. In a desperate attempt to save their marriage, Andrey, the husband, seeks help from a psychic named Mara. His only wish is to make his wife Olga forget the past. Mara's magic works, but the second honeymoon soon turns into a living nightmare... Andrey gradually recognizes that he is dealing with a powerful evil that possesses his wife, and the price of the psychic's service is Olga’s life.
Remote Work
Title: Remote Work
Released: October 11, 2020
Type: Movie
A Zoom work meeting unexpectedly went wrong. During the call, the boss discusses anti-crisis measures and motivates employees for labor feats, despite the pandemic. Subordinates, being in self-isolation, try to find a balance between work and personal life.
Gogol online: Shakespeare
Title: Gogol online: Shakespeare
Released: April 26, 2020
Type: Movie
What happened to Ophelia two minutes before death? What did Lady Macbeth do in prison? What if Romeo had a girlfriend before Juliet? What if the heroes of various plays know each other?
Gogol online: Kharms. Myr
Title: Gogol online: Kharms. Myr
Released: April 19, 2020
Type: Movie
A small but powerful orchestra with strict melodies and rhythms in the spirit of “Avia” unleashes a mechanical frenzy: artists under a thick layer of make-up are throwing replicas from Harms' stories and notebooks. Ultimately, this plotless musical by Maxim Didenko with the artists of the Gogol Center claims to incarnate (literally, from the word “flesh”) the universe of a unique writer, the demiurge of a dislocated reality.
Title: Clouds
Released: March 11, 2020
Type: Movie
According to the plot, the film takes place in the near future. Where the overpopulation of the planet has led to the movement of people to digital format and finding them in the "cloud". This is the story of a girl who travels in a virtual world, a simulation of reality, together with her boyfriend. Everything is possible in this world. Even to feel the love of a person who is no longer alive.
Title: Kettle
Character: Dilyara
Released: September 16, 2019
Type: Movie
A young man's life is set in motion by his friend's suicide. He faces unpredictable circumstances, desperately trying to escape the Hood and start a new life. The Hood, however, holds onto him with suffocating love.
Title: Russian Affairs
Character: Ekaterina Matveeva
Released: March 7, 2019
Type: TV
Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.
Alice AI
Title: Alice AI
Character: neuroscientist
Released: November 5, 2018
Type: Movie
The protagonist of the story is a workaholic taxi driver who has no one dearer than the voice navigator "Alice". That and support, and joke, and the route prompts, and the song will pick up on the occasion of the anniversary of dating.
Title: Call DiCaprio!
Character: Полина
Released: October 20, 2018
Type: TV
The main character is the star of a popular TV series about doctors, actor Yegor Rumyantsev. Having achieved great success, he becomes an egoist and does not notice the feelings and experiences of those around him: he does not come to the shooting, leads a promiscuous sex life and deceives people. One day, Egor finds out that he has HIV. Rumyantsev's brother Lev is a mediocre and unlucky actor who runs a program about useful handicrafts on the cable channel "Ant-TV". Leo has a pregnant wife with two young daughters. He has no prospects for making money and moving up the career ladder until he gets a chance to replace his brother Yegor in the series.
Title: Leto
Character: Maryana's Friend
Released: June 7, 2018
Type: Movie
Leningrad, one summer in the early eighties. Smuggling LPs by Lou Reed and David Bowie, the underground rock scene is boiling ahead of the Perestroika. Mike and his beautiful wife Natasha meet with young Viktor Tsoï. Together with friends, they will change the destiny of rock’n’roll in the Soviet Union.
Three Seconds
Title: Three Seconds
Released: December 28, 2017
Type: Movie
The story is set at the 1972 Munich Olympics where the U.S. team lost the basketball championship for the first time in 36 years. The final moments of the final game have become one of the most controversial events in Olympic history. With play tied, the score table horn sounded during a second free throw attempt that put the U.S. ahead by one. But the Soviets claimed they had called for a time out before the basket and confusion ensued. The clock was set back by three seconds twice in a row and the Russians finally prevailed at the very last. The U.S. protested, but a jury decided in the USSR’s favor and Team USA voted unanimously to refuse its silver medals. The Soviet players have been treated as heroes at home.
How Viktor
Title: How Viktor "The Garlic" Took Alexey "The Stud" to the Nursing Home
Character: bank consultant
Released: October 12, 2017
Type: Movie
Viktor spends his free time trawling bars with ladies of questionable repute, from where he is picked up by a wife he doesn’t love, the mother of a child they never planned. Viktor himself was abandoned by his own father, his mother then committed suicide, and he was left to grow up in an orphanage. Years later, his errant dad returns, now a disabled felon, and Viktor discovers a timely legacy is in the offing – his father’s apartment. The documentation for securing dad’s move into an old people’s home is signed in a flash. Nevertheless, the only one that can take him is miles away and, what’s more, the invalid starts to recuperate during the journey, which is when their real problems begin.
The Student
Title: The Student
Character: Lida Tkachenko
Released: April 12, 2016
Type: Movie
A high school student becomes convinced that the world is lost to evil and begins to challenge the morals and beliefs of the adults surrounding him.
Title: Where is the logic?
Character: Self / Gamer
Released: November 29, 2015
Type: TV
Humanity knows two types of logic: male and female. In the new TNT show, we do not push them together, but rather make them work for one common result. Star couples, partners on the set, just good friends and acquaintances will together try to build logical links between the most seemingly illogical events, objects or facts.
Your Own Alien Sister
Title: Your Own Alien Sister
Released: November 10, 2006
Type: Movie
Anna, the young wife of a successful businessman Alexey, accompanies her husband on a business trip. The day of return is coming, but Lyosha does not appear either at home or in the office. His phone is not answering, his work colleagues do not know where the boss has disappeared. In the process of searching for an entrepreneur, interesting information of a piquant nature suddenly pops up. It turns out that Alexey, an exemplary family man, has a woman and an illegitimate daughter Tanya in another city...
Title: Icaria
Character: Zlata
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: Movie
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.