Aleksey Senchilo

Aleksey Senchilo

Born: April 27, 1983
in Minsk, Byelorussian SSR, USSR

Movies for Aleksey Senchilo...

Bad Habit
Title: Bad Habit
Released: December 21, 2023
Type: Movie
Vasya and Batya have lived in the village all their lives. But one not extinguished goby of the negligent Batya leaves his son and father on the street without money and a house. In desperation, they drive to the city and find the only place where they can be 24 hours a day - a fitness club. Now a rural couple will have to become their own in the world of smoothies and Pilates and show the locals what village fitness is. And, of course, find your love.
Love without Rules
Title: Love without Rules
Released: November 10, 2016
Type: Movie
A major of little Russian town decides to build a brothel in order to fight female half of town population...
Unreal Love
Title: Unreal Love
Released: February 13, 2014
Type: Movie
A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.
Title: Masakra
Released: June 6, 2010
Type: Movie
В загадочное имение графа Владимира Пазуркевича прибывает Николай Казанцев — молодой человек, намеревающийся учиться изобразительному искусству в Италии, однако, не имея средств, рискнувший на авантюру! Представившись профессором, Казанцев старается убедительно делать вид, что изучает обширную библиотеку графа, параллельно успевая активно приударять за невестой Пазуркевича, красавицей Анной. Странные события, происходящие в имении, втягивают гостя в водоворот мистической и жуткой истории…
Title: Снайпер: Оружие возмездия
Character: Episodic role
Released: February 23, 2010
Type: TV
Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation
Title: Sniper: Weapons of Retaliation
Character: German redhead
Released: November 11, 2009
Type: Movie
This world war two story depicts the personal war between a Soviet sniper and a German sniper. Their feud continues after the war in Soviet occupied Germany. At the same time a Nazi rocket scientist continues his research while a Soviet secret police team arrives from Moscow to find hidden Nazi rocket research documents and rocket propulsion systems.
Dnieper Line
Title: Dnieper Line
Released: June 22, 2009
Type: Movie
The basis for the plot of the film "Dnieper line" was a real historical event - the heroic defense of Mogilev. The action takes place in the Great Patriotic War, when troops of the German fascist invaders swiftly moving through the territory of the Soviet Union. Units guarding the border Dnieper abroad, ordered - to make the city impregnable fortress. intertwined fates of the heroes soundtrack unexpected encounters and tragic parting ... Zoe meets Sintsov surrounded by the Germans in the city, his first love ... The Divisional Commander, who understands all the doom situation in which the defenders were Dnipro turn, makes every effort to keep the offensive. Mogilev - the same as the Brest Fortress, only to enormous proportions. Force civilians and soldiers of the Red Army offensive the Germans were stopped here for three weeks.