Yuhei Chiba

Yuhei Chiba

Movies for Yuhei Chiba...

The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Title: The Limit of Sleeping Beauty
Character: Haruo
Released: October 21, 2017
Type: Movie
Aki is an unsuccessful 29-year-old actress who eventually became a magician's assistant. While pretending to be hypnotised on the stage, Aki finds the boundary between reality and illusion becoming increasingly vague. For Aki, the only beautiful memory she has was the time spent with her lover Kaito.
Title: Slum-Polis
Released: May 30, 2014
Type: Movie
2041 - The west of Japan was destroyed in an earthquake. In between the slums within the rubble autonomous areas form with their own currency and administration. In the third communal district, known as Slum-Polis, criminals terrorize the poor population. In the daily struggle for survival the three friends Asu, Joe and the young prostitute Anna search for a little bit of security, but ultimately their strong bond is put to trial.