Michael Cotton

Michael Cotton

Movies for Michael Cotton...

Deadly Waters
Title: Deadly Waters
Character: Harry
Released: June 1, 2015
Type: Movie
A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
Title: Carriages
Character: Tom
Released: March 14, 2014
Type: Movie
James is unlucky in love. He’s stuck in a routine of all work and no play and can’t seem to shake loose from it. The only thing that keeps him going is his daily commute to work, which he shares with the girl of his dreams. The only downside however, is he can’t pluck up the courage to speak to her, and she doesn’t seem to know he exists. With his two work colleagues as his only aid, James finds himself caught up in a never ending cycle of embarrassing and awkward situations as he attempts to win her heart. This is the story of when boy meets girl… But with nerves…
Title: Community
Character: Commuter
Released: August 26, 2012
Type: Movie
The Draymen Estate has become an urban legend. Amongst the sinister stories of unsavoury locals and brutal violence, several people have apparently gone missing. Even the police won't go there. Enter two naive student filmmakers with a well-meaning plan to make a sympathetic documentary of life on the estate. The unlucky duo quickly discovers that problems of drugs and crime in this community go way beyond the norm. This is a community which is about to present the students with material of unimaginable horror - turning their final project int their darkest nightmare.