Scott Screws

Scott Screws

Movies for Scott Screws...

Rachel's Attic
Title: Rachel's Attic
Character: Devin - Noir Leather
Released: August 27, 2002
Type: Movie
After returning home from a two week trial in Chicago, Rachel Bishop finds her sister Emily Bishop missing. She then finds her sister in what appears to be a well done snuff film where she appears to be murdered. Disregarding the FBI's warning, Rachel probes into her sisters disappearance. She further finds out her sister was working as a Dominatrix at an unusual underground adult establishment in Detroit called the Playground. Rachel soon finds herself involved with the Playground and on the killers hit list. The chase is on...
Title: Survive!
Character: Scott
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: Movie
A social satire/horror film,.. "Survive!" is about a reality show called "Surivival of the Fittest" in which contestants live in the wilderness off their know how alone. When the players start being killed mysteriously, they begin to suspect one of their own. With 5 million dollars at stake, they must learn to trust one another or fend for themselves to stay alive,.. But, when the network learns of the murders,.. all they can think of is the show must go on. The show does,.. LIVE!