Ernst Ullrich

Ernst Ullrich

Movies for Ernst Ullrich...

Erziehung vor Verdun
Title: Erziehung vor Verdun
Character: Barbier Neumann
Released: November 25, 1973
Type: Movie
Artur Becker
Title: Artur Becker
Released: March 19, 1971
Type: Movie
The young communist Artur Becker fights with the Interbrigades against the Franco putschists during the Spanish Civil War. He had experienced his baptism of fire in Germany at the time of the Weimar Republic during the Kapp Putsch. He was seriously wounded and arrested. After an unsuccessful escape attempt, he was interrogated several times by Spanish and German putschists and then shot.
Rauschende Melodien
Title: Rauschende Melodien
Released: May 19, 1955
Type: Movie