Arutyun Akopyan

Arutyun Akopyan

Movies for Arutyun Akopyan...

Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..
Title: Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..
Character: фокусник
Released: July 10, 1992
Type: Movie
A middle-aged magician Pyotr Tarasov vegetates in the circus, receiving a meager salary. But he is a magician, he has a professional family secret: he can take out of a hat not only birds and rabbits, but also any amount of food. To use his opportunities, on the advice of friends, he opens a restaurant. Can a poor sorcerer become a prosperous businessman?
In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night
Title: In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night
Released: January 1, 1969
Type: Movie
Various dwellers of the Russian forest: Leshiy (forest goblin), Vodyanoy (water spirit), Ovinni (barn spirit) Domovoy (house spirit), Anchutka (gremlin) and Rusalka (mermaid) meet at Baba Yaga's chicken-legged hut and receive an esteemed guest who appears from nowhere. They gather around one table to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new, that is until the guest grows bored with their antics and seeks fun elsewhere.
Princess Mary
Title: Princess Mary
Character: Apfel'baum - fokusnik
Released: August 15, 1955
Type: Movie
Экранизация одноименной главы романа М. Ю. Лермонтова «Герой нашего времени». Печорин, узнав об увлечении своего приятеля Грушницкого княжной Мери Лиговской, от скуки и желания досадить насквозь фальшивому юнкеру, влюбляет в себя девушку. Фильм рассказывает о романтической истории Печорина, чья безрассудная любовная игра оборачивается трагедией и для него самого — человека, явно не вписывающегося в законы времени, в котором приговорила его жить судьба…