Mireille Brullemans

Mireille Brullemans

Movies for Mireille Brullemans...

Title: Karl & Max
Character: Hospital Receptionist
Released: November 29, 2015
Type: TV
Karl, Max and their friend Yvon see their destiny forever shatter when they discover a bag containing a gun and lots of money! By taking the decision to keep the loot of 2.6 million, they will be propelled into a world to which they don’t belong, caught up in a race for millions with the organized crime.
Title: 10½
Character: Denise (cuisinière)
Released: October 29, 2010
Type: Movie
Tommy, 10 years old, is well known by Social Services. He is considered a danger to society. Gilles, his guardian at this halfway house, sees potential for redemption in this kid driven by violence.
Title: Polytechnique
Character: Admission Office's Secretary
Released: February 6, 2009
Type: Movie
A dramatization of the Montreal Massacre of 1989 where several female engineering students were murdered by an unstable misogynist.
Dodging the Clock
Title: Dodging the Clock
Character: Cliente du concessionnaire
Released: August 1, 2005
Type: Movie
The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?