Dayse Pozato

Dayse Pozato

Movies for Dayse Pozato...

Title: Deus Salve o Rei
Character: Betânia
Released: January 9, 2018
Type: TV
An heir to a throne in love with a commoner. An inconsequential prince, who thinks only of taking advantage of royal patronage. An ambitious princess, capable of everything to get what she wants.
No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years
Title: No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years
Character: Celinha
Released: November 12, 2015
Type: Movie
"No one loves anyone for more than two years" is an adaptation of Nelson Rodrigues' work about five couples that live in Brazil in the early 60's, who are seen by the society as conventional people, but whose intimate lives turn out to be morally questionable.
Giovanni Improtta
Title: Giovanni Improtta
Character: Filha de Agamedes 2
Released: May 18, 2013
Type: Movie
Giovanni Improtta is a criminal who wants to climb the social ladder and become a law-abiding citizen. To achieve it, he commits some more crimes He is betrayed, and ends up under the spotlight of the media and the radar of the police, falsely charged for murder.
Billi Pig
Title: Billi Pig
Character: Amiga de Miúda
Released: March 2, 2012
Type: Movie
The aspiring actress Marivalda, her husband Wanderley, a bankrupt insurance broker and a false priest do their best to get along in life. But they end up in the hands of a drug boss, whose daughter they promised to save the life of, hit in a shooting at a party in São Cristóvão. A huge cash reward is at stake and now all three have to chase the promised miracle.
Title: Tecendo o Saber
Character: Noêmia
Released: October 3, 2005
Type: TV
Title: Alma Gêmea
Character: entre os mendigos que disputam com Terê um espaço na praça
Released: June 20, 2005
Type: TV
A young woman is fated to relive the love of an earlier life. Separated by time, young Serena and botanist Rafael surmount all obstacles as they live a love that is stronger than fate itself. These challenges include the lovely but ambitious Cristina, who is obsessed by the rich botanist and driven nearly mad by her attempts to shatter their great love. A romantic comedy set in the 1940s, Soul Mate underscores the importance of love, family values and the ties of affection with a light touch and plenty of humor.