Yuriy Solovyov

Yuriy Solovyov

Born: January 16, 1933
Died: January 14, 2017
in Тулун, Иркутская область, СССР (Россия)

Movies for Yuriy Solovyov...

Title: Countdown
Released: November 2, 2006
Type: Movie
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
Title: Агент национальной безопасности
Character: Kozyatin
Released: January 1, 1999
Type: TV
Sinful Love
Title: Sinful Love
Released: June 10, 1997
Type: Movie
The ancient northern monastery has a guide Tatyana. Two former classmates seek her favors: medical student Ivan and young businessman Yves (that is, also Ivan). As a result of a fall from a balloon, the girl is in a coma. Only Ivan Voronov can deduce from this state if he is near. He decides to help his beloved by entering into intimacy with her. The nurse who discovered them reports to the police. Ivan was arrested as a "maniac", and the life of TANI is under threat again ... "
Title: Racket
Character: Nachalnik avtomasterskoy
Released: May 22, 1995
Type: TV
Comedy of the Strict Regime
Title: Comedy of the Strict Regime
Released: November 7, 1992
Type: Movie
The action is set in 1970 as the Soviet Union (and the entire progressive world) are preparing to celebrate Lenin's centenary. Not to be outdone, the camp commander decides to have the prisoners put on a play about Lenin's life. However, the ensuing preparations turn everything upside down and seem to offer a God-given chance to plot an escape.
The House Built on Sand
Title: The House Built on Sand
Released: January 1, 1991
Type: Movie
A slice of life among Russian intelligentsia on the eve of WWII. A haunting reminder of Stalin's psychotic purge of 1938 and the nightmarish German siege of Leningrad.
Title: Каталажка
Released: January 1, 1990
Type: Movie
Полет птицы
Title: Полет птицы
Released: March 6, 1989
Type: Movie
Horses in the Ocean
Title: Horses in the Ocean
Released: February 14, 1989
Type: Movie
A criminal drama set in the Soviet Union. Director of a Children's Theatre is sentenced to a prison term after a false accusation. He is spending his time locked up with a gang of teenagers
В знак протеста
Title: В знак протеста
Released: January 1, 1989
Type: Movie
Forever - 19
Title: Forever - 19
Released: January 1, 1989
Type: Movie
Looking for Life Friend
Title: Looking for Life Friend
Released: October 12, 1987
Type: Movie
Based on the novel by M. Panin "Matyushenko promised to remain silent." The story of lonely people who found themselves in human communication and family happiness.
The Outburst
Title: The Outburst
Released: September 10, 1986
Type: Movie
The film is based on real events and tells about a major accident that occurred during the construction of another Leningrad metro station in the spring of 1974.
Подвиг Одессы
Title: Подвиг Одессы
Released: October 29, 1985
Type: Movie
Snow in July
Title: Snow in July
Released: April 17, 1985
Type: Movie
The Defendant
Title: The Defendant
Released: January 1, 1985
Type: Movie
Charlotte Necklace
Title: Charlotte Necklace
Character: прокурор
Released: December 20, 1984
Type: Movie
While investigating a murder KGB detectives discover a criminal group which transfers a stolen artworks abroad .
Investigator by Profession
Title: Investigator by Profession
Released: June 5, 1984
Type: Movie
A locker room janitor at the train station notices that a suitcase was put in a locker by a man, but pulled out by another man. This suitcase appeared to be stuffed with money. This incident allows a police detective to uncover a huge criminal organization responsible for theft, smuggling and murder.
Title: Профессия - следователь
Character: Sidorenko - kapitan militsii
Released: June 5, 1984
Type: TV
Штормовое предупреждение
Title: Штормовое предупреждение
Released: July 14, 1982
Type: Movie
Правда лейтенанта Климова
Title: Правда лейтенанта Климова
Released: May 10, 1982
Type: Movie
Take Alive
Title: Take Alive
Character: Karavaev, regiment commander, major
Released: January 1, 1982
Type: Movie
Комендантский час
Title: Комендантский час
Character: командир партизанского отряда
Released: July 3, 1981
Type: Movie
We Looked in the Death's Face
Title: We Looked in the Death's Face
Character: офицер из политотдела
Released: December 25, 1980
Type: Movie
A young officer organizes a dance group in the blockaded Leningrad in 1942.
Title: Leader
Released: January 1, 1980
Type: Movie
A group of geologists was landed in the taiga. But the guys can’t work - they gave them the wrong bits for the equipment by mistake. And the radio doesn’t work, and the helicopter is expected only in two months. And the squad leader, a young guy named Dmitry Alekseevich Ryabtsev, makes a decision - he alone goes to the nearest detachment. By taiga standards, this is not far - 20 kilometers. But when he returns, he discovers that his squad has left the camp.
Вернёмся осенью
Title: Вернёмся осенью
Character: Military Comissar
Released: August 1, 1979
Type: Movie
Five middle-aged men already converged in one platoon - people of different professions and different social status are called up as privates for three-month reserve training...
Strict Male Life
Title: Strict Male Life
Released: October 29, 1978
Type: Movie
Jump From the Roof
Title: Jump From the Roof
Released: May 1, 1978
Type: Movie
Unable to stand up for himself, a talented scientist Rostislav Lyubeshkin is forced to leave the institute. Ordinary accountant Kosichkin is trying to protect a person he doesn't know in general. Kosichkin is demoted, his wife considers him a squabbler and a loser, and colleagues are gloating over the results of the audit...
Младший научный сотрудник
Title: Младший научный сотрудник
Released: January 1, 1978
Type: Movie
Маршал революции
Title: Маршал революции
Released: January 1, 1978
Type: Movie
Ivan and Colombina
Title: Ivan and Colombina
Released: February 22, 1977
Type: Movie
After being demobilized, Ivan Cheprasov came to work in the motorcade. The chief assigns Ivan an ancient wreck that no one has bothered to repair. 'Colombina'—as the drivers jokingly nicknamed the old car—became a 'touchstone' for Ivan, testing his resilience and skill. Additionally, Colombina serves as a highly humanized metaphor for metal in Ivan's life, continuing the tradition of Soviet social realism by portraying another archetype, in this case, the ideal chauffeur.
Twenty Days Without War
Title: Twenty Days Without War
Character: Commander
Released: November 8, 1976
Type: Movie
War correspondent Lopatin takes a 20-day-leave from his hard work at the front in 1942. He travels to faraway Tashkent to meet the family of the killed soldier and visit the film set of the screen adaptation of his war-time stories. Lopatin also manages to walk the streets of Tashkent, take part in a factory workers' meeting and have a short-lived love affair. Although with no bombings and fighting, the city dwellers breathe the atmosphere of the ongoing war.
While the Mountains Still Stand...
Title: While the Mountains Still Stand...
Character: Потапов
Released: January 1, 1976
Type: Movie
The Captivating Star of Happiness
Title: The Captivating Star of Happiness
Character: слуга в доме Раевских
Released: November 11, 1975
Type: Movie
In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people. The revolution failed miserably and the conspirators (known as the Decembrists) were weeded out by the czar himself. One by one, each of the conspirators confess and are systematically exiled to the harsh winters of Siberia, slated to work and wither in a prison/mine. The wives of the conspirators are faced with the prospect of leaving the bosom of wealth and family (including their own children) to be with their husbands in the brutal Siberian locale. If they agree to this, they face having their illustrious social stations stripped away and certain disdain from everyone around them...
Title: Memory
Released: January 1, 1975
Type: Movie
The Executive
Title: The Executive
Released: July 22, 1974
Type: Movie
The film shows the daily life of an architecture studio, where a young student comes to work on his dissertation.
Боба и слон
Title: Боба и слон
Released: January 1, 1972
Type: Movie
Degree of Risk
Title: Degree of Risk
Released: June 6, 1968
Type: Movie
A drama based on the daily life of a hospital and its doctors.
The Chief of Chukotka
Title: The Chief of Chukotka
Character: Zyukin
Released: April 22, 1966
Type: Movie
Young patriotic young man ends up in the on Chukotka right after the civil war, where he intends to spread ideas of justice and equality among the natives. As it happens, instead he learn the local capitalist ways, and he start profitable fur trading with US, Japanese and other merchants.
Title: Fidelity
Character: Lieutenant
Released: November 29, 1965
Type: Movie
A story of a first love between two recent high school graduates who meet one another evening before start of the WWII.
While Defending the Front Line
Title: While Defending the Front Line
Character: "crossbow"
Released: May 31, 1965
Type: Movie
Volkhov Front in 1942. The young political instructor of the counter-propaganda department of the headquarters of the division Rusanov is torn to the forefront. Together with an experienced warrior — captain Shaternikov — the hero gets to the forefront and transmits from the sound transmission programs addressed to German soldiers. And in the hours of calm passes several kilometers in order to see Katya, the signal woman of a neighboring sector of the front.
The Chairman
Title: The Chairman
Released: December 28, 1964
Type: Movie
Year 1947... Yegor Trubnikov is giving all his powers to make life in his own Kolhoz better.
Sleeping Beauty
Title: Sleeping Beauty
Character: Prince Desire
Released: June 12, 1964
Type: Movie
The radiant Alla Sizova stars as Princess Aurora in this artful film version of Tchaikovsky's timeless classic from the world-renowned Kirov Ballet, a production based on the highly acclaimed, original choreography by Marius Petipa. The legendary troupe's majesty and skill are on full display as they perform one of the world's most beloved ballets with supporting performances from Natalia Dudinskaya, Yuri Solovyov and Valeri Panov.
Blood Ties
Title: Blood Ties
Character: Шаляпин (старпом)
Released: February 8, 1964
Type: Movie
Tank crew Officer-member Fedotov on the way from a hospital on visiting home became acquainted with young Sonya, mother of three children. After demobilization went back to her. Happiness of them was short. Sonya became ill and died. Soon her husband arrived after children, but left with a father only junior.
Last Bread
Title: Last Bread
Character: Aleksei / Aleksey Dyomin
Released: August 19, 1963
Type: Movie
After going through all the details of the old combine with his own hands, the pioneer virgin landowner granddad Yakushenko met his last great suffering - harvesting bread - in the most dignified manner. Aleksei, Irina and Dmitriy decide to help granddad — and went in the evening to look for spare parts for his combine in neighbouring farms...
After the Wedding
Title: After the Wedding
Character: Semyon
Released: January 21, 1963
Type: Movie
The Blue Notebook
Title: The Blue Notebook
Character: Рахья
Released: January 1, 1963
Type: Movie
In the summer of 1917, Vladimir Lenin leaves Petrograd and shelters in Razliv with fellow revolutionary Grigory Zinoviev. In the weeks that follow, Lenin writes his famous "Blue Notebook" advocating proletarian revolution.
The Soul Calls
Title: The Soul Calls
Character: Udaltsov
Released: October 30, 1962
Type: Movie
Two old Leningrad workers, Sukhov and Solyanov, have a long-standing friendship — they worked at the same plant, lived in the neighborhood. Now Solyanov, at the insistence of his son, decides to retire. But it is not so easy to part with his native plant, which, as it turned out, still needs an old personnel officer...
Рассказы о юности
Title: Рассказы о юности
Released: July 3, 1961
Type: Movie
Queen of Spades
Title: Queen of Spades
Released: October 27, 1960
Type: Movie
Screen adaptation of Tchaikovsky's opera based on the Aleksandr Pushkin short story of the same name.
Ребята с Канонерского
Title: Ребята с Канонерского
Character: милиционер
Released: August 25, 1960
Type: Movie
Ссора в Лукашах
Title: Ссора в Лукашах
Released: December 16, 1959
Type: Movie
Title: Lullaby
Character: sergeant Mikheyev
Released: November 3, 1959
Type: Movie
Pilot Losev, who lost his family during the war, learns that his daughter Aurika was saved during the bombing, and sets off in search of her. The former pilot will survive many fates and stories before a familiar chorus of a lullaby helps him to recognize his daughter in a random fellow traveler.
On the roads of war
Title: On the roads of war
Released: January 5, 1959
Type: Movie
The Great Patriotic War. Death in the whistle of every bullet, every shell. Burning buildings, hungry people in the basement. How many people passed through the land of fire - patient, courageous, silent. Cameraman Vladimir Sushkov walked next to them, creating a harsh tale of those who were and were not in the war ...
Driver Involuntarily
Title: Driver Involuntarily
Released: July 28, 1958
Type: Movie
A driver of a big manager is hospitalized with his boss's documents and adventures start...
Aleksa Dundic
Title: Aleksa Dundic
Released: May 18, 1958
Type: Movie
Life and times of Aleksa Dundic, a volunteer in the Serb army during WW1, who later became a legend by fighting for the Red Army in the Russian Civil War.
Всего дороже
Title: Всего дороже
Released: September 18, 1957
Type: Movie
Title: Soldiers
Released: December 6, 1956
Type: Movie
Set in Russia during the Battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War. The war is shown through the eyes of simple soldiers, who are dreaming about love and being loved in a peaceful life, which most of them will never have.
Other People's Relatives
Title: Other People's Relatives
Character: Pyotr Chizhov
Released: January 16, 1956
Type: Movie
The young machine operator Fyodor Soloveikov marries Stesha from a neighboring village and moves to live with her parents in a house. Young and energetic, he suffocates in the petty bourgeois world of the family, living away from collective farm life. Quarrels arise between young people, where old men pour oil of discord. Not receiving proper support from his wife, Fyodor leaves home.