Marco Steeger

Marco Steeger

Born: January 19, 1979
in Bayreuth, Germany

Movies for Marco Steeger...

Die Q ist ein Tier
Title: Die Q ist ein Tier
Character: Dennis Herrmann
Released: May 16, 2024
Type: Movie
Slaughterhouse owner Werner Haas has a ton of slaughter waste dumped on his front lawn in the middle of the night. Fuming mad, he files charges against unknown persons and foolishly sets something in motion that can’t be stopped.
Starring Myself
Title: Starring Myself
Character: Chef Hähnchengrill
Released: October 26, 2022
Type: Movie
A depressed entertainer wants to conquer the stages of the world. He has only one problem: no one knows him. His ambitious sister wants to change that. She organizes a film crew to record his glamorous rise, but instead deep abysses reveal themselves behind the facade.
Perfect Day
Title: Perfect Day
Released: November 26, 2021
Type: Movie
5 people, an empty bar. What begins as wild fun quickly turns into limitlessness, into excess and rampant addiction. From the beginning we are hooked, because the film is a single movement: up and down, into deep abysses and into the head. The bar becomes a place of longing and at the same time a prison for the characters performing. A perfect day becomes a perfect night.
Title: The Old Fox
Character: Notarzt
Released: April 11, 1977
Type: TV
A police department, lead by an older, experienced detective solve crimes together.