Viktor Vasilev

Viktor Vasilev

Born: January 1, 1948

Movies for Viktor Vasilev...

Garegin Nzhdeh
Title: Garegin Nzhdeh
Character: Aleksandr Andreev
Released: January 28, 2013
Type: Movie
A film depicting the life and times of an armenian revolutionary and military strategist - Garegin Nzhdeh.
Censorship Has No Access to My Memory
Title: Censorship Has No Access to My Memory
Released: January 2, 1992
Type: Movie
The Eastern Corridor, or the Software Racket...
Title: The Eastern Corridor, or the Software Racket...
Character: Tranzistor
Released: November 1, 1990
Type: Movie
In an old castle, the residence of a criminal authority, turned into a torture chamber for «knocking out» money from intractable businessmen, a representative from Moscow is waiting. The purpose of his visit is to pave the way for the territorial redistribution of zones of influence of bandit groups.
Title: Outsider
Released: January 16, 1973
Type: Movie
An employee leaves the company, lured away by a “competing company”, but his boss doesn't want to let him go at all, not handing over the documents, instead of saying goodbye through the secretary, that he doesn’t want him to leave, and gives three months to say goodbye to them or not. Nevertheless, he leaves, while grossly violating party discipline. A new venture awaits him, there he will be a big boss, an “outsider.” They have high hopes for it, but they are in no hurry to immediately reveal all the features and hidden production problems.
Title: Investigation Held by ZnaToKi
Character: Завьялов сосед
Released: February 14, 1971
Type: TV