Mauro Ursella

Mauro Ursella

Movies for Mauro Ursella...

Ugly Nasty People
Title: Ugly Nasty People
Character: Gianni Scheletro
Released: October 19, 2017
Type: Movie
A group of physically disabled lowlifes plans the the perfect heist, but things go south as each reveals his own agenda.
Hay Fever
Title: Hay Fever
Character: Gigio
Released: November 13, 2010
Type: Movie
A group of Roman misfits spend the fall minding a vintage shop called Twinkled, a business that is failing in every way but in spirit. The owner strives to keep the store afloat, even as his wife insists that he sell the place and get a real job. One day a beautiful young woman named Camilla takes a job cleaning the store, and her presence has a profound effect on the lives of everyone, including Stefano, the well-meaning but unorganized shopkeeper, and Gigio, Camilla's loving younger brother who has Down's syndrome.
Father Hope
Title: Father Hope
Character: Gege
Released: April 17, 2005
Type: Movie
Don Vasari is an anti-conformist priest. For this reason he is transferred to a juvenile prison in a small town in the southern of Italy. Nino, a sixteen year old inmate, is accused of murder but Don Vasari does not believe his guilt and he starts a courageous investigation to help him.