Hideaki Kusayama

Hideaki Kusayama

Movies for Hideaki Kusayama...

The Sunset is Calling Me
Title: The Sunset is Calling Me
Released: March 18, 1970
Type: Movie
Contrast between two outlooks on life: one of a poor factory worker and the other the heir to millions.
Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
Title: Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
Released: October 1, 1958
Type: Movie
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
Taikoki - The Saga of Hideyoshi
Title: Taikoki - The Saga of Hideyoshi
Released: August 10, 1958
Type: Movie
From birth Hideyoshi was a restless, defiant spirit--a child of the poorest of the poor. Cast out of his peasant cottage, he would live by his wits, driven by his burning ambition to become a samurai and to find a warlord worth pledging his sword to. This is the story of his rise, and the thunderous battle he pinned his hopes on. The challenge that had already ruined and bloodied the armies of higher-ranking samurai than Hiyoshi. The battle that brought him rank, fame and fortune and transformed him into Hashiba Hideyoshi, right-hand man to the ruthless Lord Oda Nobunaga, and would drive him on to conquer Japan.
Who's The Real Killer
Title: Who's The Real Killer
Released: July 3, 1957
Type: Movie
Harsh film about a car dealer who gets into financial trouble.