Laura Toledo

Laura Toledo

Movies for Laura Toledo...

Title: The Paradise
Character: Clarissa Molina
Released: February 9, 2020
Type: TV
Two murders shake the Finnish community of Fuengirola, a group that made this tiny corner of Málaga their own little Finnish paradise on the shores of the Mediterranean. Hilkka Mäntymäki, a veteran crime detective aged 60, is travelling from Helsinki to help the local police on a case that will soon claim new victims. Because escaping the cold and the dark is much easier than leaving your own past behind.
Title: Lobisome
Released: August 15, 2018
Type: Movie
Title: La que se avecina
Character: Almu
Released: April 22, 2007
Type: TV
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels FactoríaDeFicción and Paramount Comedy. The series debuted in 22 April 2007 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, use of catchphrases and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society. The name of the show involves wordplay, as "vecina" is the Spanish word for neighbour.