Дзембад Хамикоев

Дзембад Хамикоев

Movies for Дзембад Хамикоев...

August. Eighth
Title: August. Eighth
Released: February 22, 2012
Type: Movie
August Eighth - story of an ordinary young woman. Ksenia's life is not too happy. Problem at work, problem in personal life, problem with mother, a baby requiring constant cares... Ksenia want to spend a few days in Sochi with new boyfriend, and mom sends her son Artem to the boy's father on Caucasus. But Georgia started war and she must overcome fear, overcome circumstances, she must save her child...
Take Me With You
Title: Take Me With You
Character: разбойник (нет в титрах)
Released: July 7, 1980
Type: Movie
The village orphan, Dunyasha first sight fell in love with the buffoon-bully Mitrokha. Love was unhappy, because Mitrokha was rude. For that and was expelled from the village. Dunyasha felt sorry for Mitrokha, and she went after her lover…