Jon Sund

Jon Sund

Movies for Jon Sund...

The bridal bouquet
Title: The bridal bouquet
Character: Hotellportier
Released: December 26, 1953
Type: Movie
Siv Blom is a young impulsive girl with a special ability to come up in extraordinary situations. She also sleepwalks and one day strolling she sleepwalks unsuspecting into the bedroom to the sublime painter 'Picasso'. The art painter comes to admire her naivete, but doesn't have enough time for her. After that Siv stumbles across a new man, a junior manager in the firm Høyland & Høyland. Høyland jr. falls for Miss Blom, but definitely not his mother. Therefore Siv is sent on business to Stockholm and thus she meets man no. 3, the womanizer Victor Wahlin. Who to marry now that Siv has acquired three very eager suitors whom all wants Siv's consent. The stage is set for many intrigues. Who wins?
Det kunne vært deg
Title: Det kunne vært deg
Character: Portier på Victoria
Released: November 13, 1952
Type: Movie
Maisen is newly married to the architect Harald, but on the way home he loses the key to their flat. They have to ask their neighbor for help, a man with a new girl every night. But when their marriage falters, the neighbor steps up.
The Lost Sausage Maker
Title: The Lost Sausage Maker
Character: Konferansieren
Released: December 26, 1941
Type: Movie
Private investigators Gløgg and Rask have been hired to trace a butcher (sausage-maker) who has disappeared. This leads the two into a number of adventures.