Evelyne Laferrière

Evelyne Laferrière

Movies for Evelyne Laferrière...

Title: P.A.M. - Programme d'aspirant-moniteur
Character: Artax
Released: May 1, 2023
Type: TV
The day after their first night in the forest, a small group of aspiring instructors wake up to find their two mentors missing. Jokes quickly give way to panic, then the lack of survival skills, hunger, thirst and fatigue get the better of the teenagers. They then realize that in an extreme context, each individual has the potential to turn into a monster.
Title: Sweetheart
Character: Frédérika
Released: September 14, 2022
Type: TV
A 37-year-old teacher falls for the charms of a student 20 years younger, causing a family crisis and her brutal fall to prison.
Title: Sans rendez-vous
Character: Coralie
Released: September 30, 2021
Type: TV
Title: Six degrés
Released: March 4, 2021
Type: TV
Title: Six degrés
Character: Bélinda Fournier-Espinoza
Released: March 4, 2021
Type: TV
Title: À tour de rôles
Character: Self
Released: September 14, 2020
Type: TV
Title: Toute la vie
Character: Den Tremblay
Released: September 10, 2019
Type: TV
École Marie-Labrecque is a one-of-a-kind institution: The 60 girls who study at the school are all between the ages of 12 and 17, and they're all pregnant or new mothers. The school's mission is twofold: to give them an education and to prepare them for motherhood. It's It's a huge challenge and they have only a few months to get ready.
Title: L'ascenseur
Released: November 7, 2016
Type: TV
The elevator is therapy for a man trying to get to the top floor of an enormous skyscraper in the company of some of humanity’s most annoying specimens.
Title: Submarine
Character: Young Charlotte
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: Movie
Charlotte is an alcoholic trying to complete her first year of sobriety. One evening, when the urge to drink is so strong that she fears a relapse, Charlotte goes to see her sponsor, Jeanne, an alcoholic who has been sober for over five years. However, when Charlotte arrives at Jeanne's, she finds her sponsor in a state of drunkenness. With the roles of helper and cared-for now reversed, Charlotte decides to step in.