Dmitry Aksenov

Dmitry Aksenov

in Rybinsk, USSR (Russia)

Movies for Dmitry Aksenov...

Happy New Year!
Title: Happy New Year!
Released: April 20, 2019
Type: Movie
War destroys hopes, dreams, mercilessly burns generations.
Bummer 2
Title: Bummer 2
Released: March 7, 2006
Type: Movie
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Title: Аэропорт
Character: Yuriy Pugachev
Released: August 29, 2005
Type: TV
Dead Man's Bluff
Title: Dead Man's Bluff
Released: May 26, 2005
Type: Movie
Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.
Title: Bimmer
Released: August 2, 2003
Type: Movie
A black BMW, a symbol of luxury, is racing along the night streets of Moscow in the 90s. Bad luck turns four friends into criminals and they have no way back. Only the black “bimmer” is reliable in this life without rules, taking the friends farther and farther from Moscow, into the crazy and ruthless wilderness of Russian roads… None of them wanted to kill. None of them wanted to die. But they will have to face their destiny in the end.
Title: Antikiller
Released: August 1, 2002
Type: Movie
Former criminal investigator, Major Korenev, nicknamed Fox is released from prison. He has been detained there as a result of planted incriminating evidence of unlawful investigation techniques. Setting accounts with Shaman - a big criminal boss, who ordered the evidence planted and also with his former colleagues was not a part of Korenev's agenda. As he returns to Moscow he finds a new world ruled by underworld bosses, criminal clans fighting each other and utter chaos on the desperately keeping appearances streets of Russian capital. Facing death of his friends, Major Korenev decides to re-install law and order using some unorthodox methods that are only relevant in 21st century Russia.