Maya Blinova

Maya Blinova

Born: March 31, 1926
Died: September 7, 2013
in Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR

Movies for Maya Blinova...

The Executioner
Title: The Executioner
Character: Olga's grandma
Released: October 30, 1990
Type: Movie
The journalist becomes a victim of rape. To take revenge on the rapists, she makes a deal with the criminals. But things are beginning to unfold unpredictably...
Title: Anekdoty
Character: Vrach
Released: August 5, 1990
Type: Movie
Букет мимозы и другие цветы
Title: Букет мимозы и другие цветы
Released: January 1, 1985
Type: Movie
Title: Long Road in the Dunes
Character: Mama Efimova
Released: June 2, 1982
Type: TV
Today and Tomorrow
Title: Today and Tomorrow
Character: санитарный врач
Released: March 3, 1980
Type: Movie
The film raises environmental issues and examines the nature of the relationship between the manager and the team.
Blockade: The Luga Defense Line
Title: Blockade: The Luga Defense Line
Character: Duty at the hotel
Released: December 1, 1974
Type: Movie
In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germans, intending to cross the Luga line on the move, were repulsed with heavy losses for them.
Her Name Is Spring
Title: Her Name Is Spring
Released: January 1, 1969
Type: Movie
The film takes place in Uzbekistan during the Great Patriotic War. Pulat and Bahor love each other, but the happiness of the heroes is prevented by a rich friend of the parents of a girl who sees her as her future wife.
На диком бреге
Title: На диком бреге
Released: February 27, 1967
Type: Movie
A Winter Morning
Title: A Winter Morning
Character: медсестра
Released: January 9, 1967
Type: Movie
A little girl named Katherine saved one boy's life during the bombing in Leningrad while under the Siege in WWII. The boy cannot speak yet. So she gave him a name Seryozha and provided him with food and care. She was later adopted by the boy's father, who recognized his son.
Пока жив человек
Title: Пока жив человек
Character: Лидия Митрофановна
Released: February 8, 1965
Type: Movie
The Rescued Generation
Title: The Rescued Generation
Character: Samsonova
Released: January 4, 1960
Type: Movie
Antonina Vasilyevna, as a member of the bureau of the district committee of the party, was instructed to save the Leningrad children, whom the war overtook in the suburban camps. She took them to the Kirov region. After twelve days of hard travel, the children arrived in the village of Supryadki...
Old Man Khottabych
Title: Old Man Khottabych
Character: мать Вольки
Released: July 12, 1957
Type: Movie
A boy named Volka discovers an ancient vessel on the bottom of a river. When he opens it, a genie emerges from there. He calls himself Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab, or in Russian style Khottabych. Grateful Khottabych is ready to fulfill any of Volka's wishes. But it appears that Volka should use the powers of the genie carefully, for they can have undesirable results.
Title: Искатели
Released: May 1, 1956
Type: Movie