Boris Knizhenko

Boris Knizhenko

Movies for Boris Knizhenko...

Title: Under Military Law 2
Character: Gosha - papa Lili
Released: May 5, 2018
Type: TV
Autumn 1941. Miraculously escaping from the Kiev boiler, investigators from the military prosecutor's office Rokotov, Mirsky and Elagina arrive in Kharkov, where evacuation is already in full swing. They have in their hands important information about the activities of the German espionage organization. New circumstances force them to linger in Kharkov. Indeed, together with the enterprises being evacuated, under the guise of refugees, further groups of German saboteurs are moving further east, whose purpose is sabotage and sabotage at military factories. Trying to open the channels for transporting scouts to the Soviet rear, Rokotov and Elagina find out that the organization operating in Kharkov is directly related to the Kiev group that they discovered a few hours before the city was surrendered. And the curator of both of these groups occupies a high post in the Main Military Prosecutor's Office.
The Adventures of Verka Serduchka
Title: The Adventures of Verka Serduchka
Released: December 31, 2005
Type: Movie
This is a story about the Ukrainian Cinderella. Since childhood, Vera "Verka" Serduchka dreams of becoming a famous artist. To fulfill her dream, the girl, after finishing school, goes to the capital, where her adventures begin...
Gulag Eros of the Russian Mind
Title: Gulag Eros of the Russian Mind
Character: Vladimir Kollontai
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: Movie
The first Soviet sexologist is sent to the gulag and is haunted by stories of fellow inmates. They provide unforgettable vignettes of Soviet sexual brutality, from the utopian ideals of the 1920s, to gay life in the 1930s, the rape of women by those in power, and the use of sexpionage to entrap enemies of the State. A visually compelling exploration of how totalitarianism ultimately destroys all forms of human intimacy. Part 1 of the trilogy "Sex in the Soviet Union."