Bernardo Sarmento

Bernardo Sarmento

Movies for Bernardo Sarmento...

The Nothingness Club
Title: The Nothingness Club
Character: Charles Robert Anon
Released: January 25, 2023
Type: Movie
Pessoa famously published under many heteronyms: around 75 different names, each with fully fleshed-out backgrounds, styles, appearances and philosophies. Taking this a step further, Não Sou Nada gives flesh to these characters, all working together under Pessoa, enacted by Miguel Borges, at the publishing house The Nothingness Club.
Title: Loop
Character: Rebel 2
Released: November 8, 2019
Type: Movie
The year is 2113, humanity is on the edge of extinction due to technological advancement. Raquel tries to find a solution to the problem using artificial intelligence.