David Kvirtskhalia

David Kvirtskhalia

Movies for David Kvirtskhalia...

Facts of the Past Day
Title: Facts of the Past Day
Character: Seryoga
Released: November 15, 1981
Type: Movie
The action takes place in the early 1980s, in the Arctic, at a mining plant. The long-overdue issue of radical restructuring of production has caused heated debate between the opposing parties. How to ensure the safe work of miners and not reduce labor productivity? There is a conflict between the director and the chief engineer of the enterprise...
Wedding Imeretian Style
Title: Wedding Imeretian Style
Character: Lado
Released: January 1, 1979
Type: Movie
Arriving in his native village, a young sculptor falls in love with one of the villager girl and decides to create a statue of her. This relationship ends with marriage after many vicissitudes.
Брак по-имеретински
Title: Брак по-имеретински
Character: Lado Inashvili
Released: January 1, 1979
Type: Movie
Case Goes to Court
Title: Case Goes to Court
Character: pomoshchnik prokurora
Released: January 1, 1976
Type: Movie
A young assistant prosecutor was entrusted with the case involving a collapsed bridge, discovering the engineer wasn't guilty after conducting her own investigation.