Arkady Troshchanovsky

Arkady Troshchanovsky

Movies for Arkady Troshchanovsky...

A Long Path on a Short Day
Title: A Long Path on a Short Day
Character: Strumilin
Released: October 16, 1972
Type: Movie
Based on the novel by Natan Rybak “Soldiers Without Uniforms”. Director of a research institute engaged in research in the field of nuclear physics, Maxim Nerchin is testing a new research method. And although the method did not justify itself, Nerchin with unreasonable confidence began to build a more powerful installation... He uses almost all the institute's funds to create it and is so sure of success that he loudly announced it at a foreign symposium, thereby causing special attention to his institute on the part of those American circles who are primarily interested in creating weapons that bring death and destruction...