Neil Alvin Delas Alas

Neil Alvin Delas Alas

Movies for Neil Alvin Delas Alas...

When the Waves Are Gone
Title: When the Waves Are Gone
Character: Esperidion Tamano
Released: August 16, 2023
Type: Movie
Lieutenant Hermes Papauran, one of the best investigators of the Philippines, is at a deep moral crossroad. As a member of the police forces, he is a first-hand witness of the murderous anti-drug campaign that his institution is implementing with dedication. The atrocities are corroding Hermes physically and spiritually, causing him a severe skin disease resulting from anxiety and guilt. As he tries to heal, a dark past haunts him and has eventually come back for a reckoning.
Himala: A Dialectic for Our Times
Title: Himala: A Dialectic for Our Times
Released: April 21, 2020
Type: Movie
To this day, Ishmael Bernal's movie Himala is still in our town, in our world. This will be reflected in the broader perspective of the majority, of the surrounding events. Beliefs still lie in the truth. Consciousness is still dominant at the level of illusion. The naive, savage, cruel, and selfish politics still prevail.