Vladimir Denisov

Vladimir Denisov

Movies for Vladimir Denisov...

Title: Ash
Released: October 27, 2013
Type: TV
1938, Soviet Russia. There were two of them, both strong and courageous. But one fateful day, Igor Petrov, the commander of a Red Army unit, is compelled to exchange ID papers with a satecracker known as Ash. The incident leads both men to start their lives completely anew. For the following ten years, Petrov and Ash will live their lives in the fear of discovery. They will commit acts of bravery and insidious crimes in the name of the other so that the thiet becomes a hero, while the commander turns into a violent outlaw. The only thing they have in common is a tragic, painful love for the same woman. For ten years they will each encounter death and destruction before fate brings them together once more. There will be two of them again - strong and courageous, ready to fight for their love.. with the knowledge that retribution awaits them.
Seventh Day
Title: Seventh Day
Released: March 7, 2006
Type: Movie
Title: Breakthrough
Released: December 2, 2005
Type: Movie
Russian paratroopers company meets superior forces of Chechen separatists during raid in mountains and accept uphill battle with no chance to survive.
Don't Cry Mommy 2
Title: Don't Cry Mommy 2
Released: June 21, 2005
Type: Movie
A heroes from the first movie now are involved in high politics.
Moth games
Title: Moth games
Released: August 28, 2004
Type: Movie
A group of youngsters get familiar with "causality effect paradigm" for the first time in their lives and find it not so pleasant.
Title: Antikiller
Released: August 1, 2002
Type: Movie
Former criminal investigator, Major Korenev, nicknamed Fox is released from prison. He has been detained there as a result of planted incriminating evidence of unlawful investigation techniques. Setting accounts with Shaman - a big criminal boss, who ordered the evidence planted and also with his former colleagues was not a part of Korenev's agenda. As he returns to Moscow he finds a new world ruled by underworld bosses, criminal clans fighting each other and utter chaos on the desperately keeping appearances streets of Russian capital. Facing death of his friends, Major Korenev decides to re-install law and order using some unorthodox methods that are only relevant in 21st century Russia.
Title: Агент национальной безопасности 3
Character: Крепыш
Released: December 31, 2000
Type: TV