Anastasiya Slanevskaya

Anastasiya Slanevskaya

Born: May 15, 1980
in Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Movies for Anastasiya Slanevskaya...

Title: Дуэты
Character: Self/Singer
Released: September 19, 2021
Type: TV
Title: Where is the logic?
Character: Self / Gamer
Released: November 29, 2015
Type: TV
Humanity knows two types of logic: male and female. In the new TNT show, we do not push them together, but rather make them work for one common result. Star couples, partners on the set, just good friends and acquaintances will together try to build logical links between the most seemingly illogical events, objects or facts.
Double Trouble
Title: Double Trouble
Released: May 28, 2015
Type: Movie
Roman runs a bachelor’s life and hosts his own radio show. As a real psychologist, he gives advices to his listeners by adding them with prickly jokes. Until one of these jokes turns against himself. To the question asked by 20 year old Alyona, if she should go and visit her father, he surely replies: “Of course! I’d be glad to!” He does not know that the lady on air is a fruit of his own one night love affair and that he has offhand become not only a father, but also a grandfather of Alyona’s son. Newly-crowned relatives take careless Roman and his girlfriend Sasha, a social lioness and owner of the radio station, straight to hell. Alyona is also still to face the same disappointment. Only miracle can turn these four people into a united family…
Title: Главная сцена
Released: January 30, 2015
Type: TV
Paragraph 78: Film Two
Title: Paragraph 78: Film Two
Released: March 23, 2007
Type: Movie
In the near future the command of the special setting gets a new important task. On a secret rocket base, where a very tall order brings a command over, they will have face to face to run not only into an external danger but also with each other.
Paragraph 78: Film One
Title: Paragraph 78: Film One
Released: February 21, 2007
Type: Movie
The peoples of the world has finally managed to agree on the most important issues on the planet and there was long overdue balance. Signed an agreement to terminate development of weapons of mass destruction, but in secret all the superpowers continue to build up military power on classified sites, which seemed never existed. Goodwin, a former commander of special forces, is tasked to collect his former people responsible for the mission. Something very serious has happened to the base where secretly working to develop a new combat the virus, and more recent cohorts, who have almost nothing left in common, have come together again...
Upast Vverh
Title: Upast Vverh
Released: June 6, 2002
Type: Movie
Казалось бы, фильмов с рефлексирующими героями хватает, однако - первый фильм о российской буржуазии, первая честная попытка разобраться в феноменологии нового класса, к тому же снятый в подлинных, апартаментах, дорогих ресторанах и клубах, а не в картонных декорациях. Почему у, казалось бы, успешных, состоявшихся людей так часто замечаешь пустой, потухший взгляд, - задается вопросом автор сценария, писательница Наталия Вико. Всем знакомая тема одиночества современной обеспеченной женщины открывается по-новому.