Michaela Kis

Michaela Kis

Movies for Michaela Kis...

Title: The Signal
Character: Marie Stiehlemann
Released: March 7, 2024
Type: TV
A missing astronaut sets her family on a frantic hunt for answers. But the more they uncover, the greater the threat becomes to them — and the world.
Title: Ich und die Anderen
Character: Frau
Released: July 29, 2021
Type: TV
Risks + Side Effects
Title: Risks + Side Effects
Character: Zorica
Released: July 9, 2021
Type: Movie
A routine check-up reveals that the Pilates trainer Kathrin is suffering from kidney disease and needs a transplant. Her husband Arnold is a successful architect in the middle of a large project and is afraid of donating one of his kidneys. Götz, a friend of the couple's, would undergo the operation immediately if it means saving Kathrin's life - even though this causes problems with his partner Diana. Confronted by issues of life and death, the fragility of the relationships within and between the couples is laid bare. Eventually, the question can no longer be avoided: what is true love?
Title: Vienna Blood
Character: Agata
Released: November 18, 2019
Type: TV
Max Liebermann, a student of Sigmund Freud, helps Detective Rheinhardt in the investigation of a series of disturbing murders around the grand cafes and opera houses of 1900s Vienna.