Ashley Arcement

Ashley Arcement

Movies for Ashley Arcement...

The Joy is in the Work: Remembering Ann Reinking
Title: The Joy is in the Work: Remembering Ann Reinking
Released: May 17, 2021
Type: Movie
This is a tribute documentary film about Ann Reinking as a teacher, mentor, and inspiration during her time at Broadway Theatre Project between the years 1991 and 2004. Students share the stories of their experiences training with her and the knowledge she gave them in helping them grow as artists and as people. Actors, dancers, and singers from all walks of life featuring interviews from Patrick Wilson, Michael James Scott, Ashley Brown, Lorin Latarro, Matthew López, Connor Gallagher, Dylis Croman, and many more.
Title: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Character: Mahogany Cast
Released: March 6, 2015
Type: TV
When a woman is rescued from a doomsday cult and lands in New York City, she must navigate a world she didn’t think even existed anymore.
No Telling (Or, The Frankenstein Complex)
Title: No Telling (Or, The Frankenstein Complex)
Character: Frances Boyd
Released: January 1, 1991
Type: Movie
Happy couple Geoffrey and Lillian move out to a rural country location so Geoffrey can concentrate on his work. Shutting himself off in a shed out back, Geoffrey is slowly consumed by his work as well as his impending madness.