Myriam Gleijer

Myriam Gleijer

Movies for Myriam Gleijer...

Polvo nuestro que estas en los cielos
Title: Polvo nuestro que estas en los cielos
Character: Gloria
Released: May 2, 2008
Type: Movie
Aurelio Saravia is a powerful politician who holds office in Uruguay in the mid-1960's. When Aurelio's mistress kills herself, he adopts their illegitimate daughter Masangeles despite the stern objections of his wife Aurora. Masangeles finds herself growing up in a home ruled by a corrupt and self-centered tyrant and his manic colleagues while Uruguay teeters on the brink of civil war as bands of revolutionaries battle government militias. When she turns fourteen, Masangeles discovers a secret passageway in their home that leads to sanctuary in a nearby church which also serves as a storehouse for guns and ill-gotten cash. Teenage Masangeles falls in love with Santiago, her stepbrother who has joined the rebels fighting against the state, and she persuades him to take her virginity.
A Bad Stroke of Luck
Title: A Bad Stroke of Luck
Character: Graciela's Mother
Released: July 26, 2002
Type: Movie
Four stories of normal Montevideans like you and me, but with one thing in common: bad luck. One figure, the master of the ceremony, ties stories together commenting on the failures of those four people, as he tries to make his fortune on a slot-machine.
Llamada para un cartero
Title: Llamada para un cartero
Released: January 1, 1999
Type: Movie
Victim of a psychopathological setback after an accident, the wife of a postman has no other interest than reading the mail that her husband has to deliver. With his behavior, he manages to intervene in the lives of those who write those letters, which causes unforeseen consequences. A kind of disturbing psychological thriller