Arthur Moon

Arthur Moon

Movies for Arthur Moon...

His Bogus Boast
Title: His Bogus Boast
Released: March 10, 1917
Type: Movie
The gentlemen of a fashionable social club become annoyed when their guest, Ben, has their wives entranced with stories of his bravery battling outlaws in the wild west. They decide to teach him a lesson by having a club worker disguise himself with a bear skin rug and sneak up on Ben.
The Butcher's Nightmare
Title: The Butcher's Nightmare
Character: The Crook
Released: February 24, 1917
Type: Movie
Ben, the butcher, is in love with a girl who does not reciprocate his affections. He falls asleep and has a dream in which he threatens to foreclose the mortgage on the home of the girl he loves. He also makes a regular crook of the girl's brother by having his safe robbed and the money placed in the brother's pocket. Ben is aroused from his dream by his partner, who is beating him over the head with a slab of meat.
The Musical Marvel
Title: The Musical Marvel
Character: o.A.
Released: February 11, 1917
Type: Movie
Heaven Will Protect A Woiking Goil
Title: Heaven Will Protect A Woiking Goil
Character: The Villain
Released: February 20, 1916
Type: Movie
Nell leaves for the big city in search of her missing father, followed by a helpless boyfriend hoping to protect her.