Lukas Brandl

Lukas Brandl

Movies for Lukas Brandl...

Title: Nahrani
Released: October 22, 2023
Type: Movie
Development aid worker Carina Nowak walks into a trap set by the Taliban, together with a squadron of German army soldiers. Only she and young soldier Luca survive and they both have to fight to reach their own goals.
Was im Leben zählt
Title: Was im Leben zählt
Released: September 7, 2016
Type: Movie
In Munich's apartment building No. 23, one still shares in the joy and suffering of the neighbors. The single mother Miriam fell in love with the pastor Gregor. But his community is outraged. A pastor who is married to a woman who is still married is out of the question for her. Meanwhile, Miriam's ex-husband tries to regain Miriam. Daughter Jule is in need: she wants her dad back, but she also likes mom's new friend Gregor.