Alison Corriere

Alison Corriere

Movies for Alison Corriere...

Evil's Lair
Title: Evil's Lair
Character: Sybil
Released: October 4, 2023
Type: Movie
Victor Thompson loses his sight and then loses his wife to cancer. Recovering from a psychotic episode, he moves his two young daughters into a rural part of Pennsylvania that was once known as Witch's Hammer. A Coven of Satanic Satan Worshipers kidnap his daughters and force a Demon to first possess Victor, then in an elaborate ritual, possess one of his daughters.
Shiv Shastri Balboa
Title: Shiv Shastri Balboa
Character: Dancer
Released: February 10, 2023
Type: Movie
Shiv Shastri, a retiree from India and a big Rocky movie fan moves to the USA and ends up on an unexpected road trip through the American heartland which teaches that it's never too old to reinvent yourself.