Natalia Plakhotniuk-Zadniprovska

Natalia Plakhotniuk-Zadniprovska

Born: May 12, 1962
in Krasnosilka, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine
Natalia was born on May 12 , 1962 in the village of Krasnosilka, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine.

In 1984, she graduated from the Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Karyi Theatre, Cinema and Television University.

She is a member of The National Filmmakers Union of Ukraine.

Since 1994, Natalia has been engaged in dubbing in Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​at various studios, including "1+1" , "Tak Treba Production" , "Le Doyen" and others.

Movies for Natalia Plakhotniuk-Zadniprovska...

Ukrainian Vendetta
Title: Ukrainian Vendetta
Character: Paraska
Released: February 1, 1991
Type: Movie
The Hitlerian army has merely encroached upon the territory of Ukraine, and the majority of the local people have been already ready to cave in to a new regime. The Ukrainian policemen have killed the boy. It is clear that there is no hope to expect the justice from the invaders, that’s why the killed boy’s mother declares the war on the hangsman.
Ginger Fairy
Title: Ginger Fairy
Character: The Waitress
Released: September 22, 1987
Type: Movie
11-year-old Minko is forced to move from a decaying village to the city with his father, mother and sick grandfather. New apartment, school and classmates greet the boy with hostility. This only strengthens his desire to return home, where there is a forest and his friends. But what Minko misses the most is Ginger Fairy, a tame moose he once saved and which disappeared the day he left.
І в звуках пам'ять відгукнеться…
Title: І в звуках пам'ять відгукнеться…
Released: August 10, 1987
Type: Movie
Pages of the life of the Ukrainian composer, folklorist Mykola Vitaliyovych Lysenko (1842-1912), the founder of the national school of composers. His musical stage works (the operas Natalka Poltavka, Taras Bulba, Aeneid, the vocal cycle Music to the Kobzar) laid the foundations of Ukrainian opera art.
We Were so Young
Title: We Were so Young
Released: October 28, 1985
Type: Movie
Alex and Julia from an early age were tied to each other. However, during the Second World War their relationship was broke and they don’t know what's going on with each other. Sometime after the war, they have not only met, but also understood that they no longer want to lose this relationship. In spite of infertility after Julia’s illness, they have married. But they are still waiting for a miracle...