Sam Thackwell

Sam Thackwell

Movies for Sam Thackwell...

Spiders on a Plane
Title: Spiders on a Plane
Character: Co-Pilot
Released: May 31, 2024
Type: Movie
A group of four friends takes on a plane full of deadly venomous spiders, accidentally released by a mad Russian scientist attacking all on-board the 747 flight from the UK to Colombia.
Dinosaur Hotel 3
Title: Dinosaur Hotel 3
Character: Brandon
Released: February 1, 2024
Type: Movie
A group of people with dodgy backgrounds wake up in a hotel infested with dinosaurs and soon discover they must play the games to survive the night.
Mega Lightning 2
Title: Mega Lightning 2
Character: Damien Lombardi
Released: December 22, 2023
Type: Movie
The mega lightning storm brings out the worst in people, and the latest storm finds a whole new set of victims during a home invasion gone wrong.