Inga Zadorozhnaya

Inga Zadorozhnaya

Movies for Inga Zadorozhnaya...

At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years
Title: At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years
Released: February 1, 1997
Type: Movie
The film tells about the fate of the brilliant Russian poet Alexei Koltsov, who so romantically sang the nature of Rus', the incomparable beauty of Russian women, the incomprehensible mystery of the Russian soul.
Censorship Has No Access to My Memory
Title: Censorship Has No Access to My Memory
Released: January 2, 1992
Type: Movie
Title: Oblomov
Released: January 1, 1972
Type: Movie
Based on the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharov, staged by the Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin.