Terese Damsholt

Terese Damsholt

Born: June 30, 1947

Movies for Terese Damsholt...

You Disappear
Title: You Disappear
Character: Anja Saxtorp
Released: April 20, 2017
Type: Movie
Frederik is the headmaster of a private school and one day he is being accused of stealing 12 million Danish crowns from the school. But everything is not as simple as it might seem. Frederik has been living with a tumor in his brain for the last 3 years and it has changed his personality. Now his wife Mia and the defense lawyer Bernard have to try and get Frederik acquitted of all charges.
Title: Krejlerkongen
Character: Sig selv
Released: August 3, 2015
Type: TV
Title: Anna Pihl
Character: Astrid
Released: February 13, 2006
Type: TV
A policewoman is doing her best at the job, but struggles to be there for her son.
My Sister's Kids In Egypt
Title: My Sister's Kids In Egypt
Released: October 8, 2004
Type: Movie
Five young siblings deal with a reluctant chaperone when they wind up stranded on a trip to Egypt.
Title: Nissernes Ø
Character: Fru Fiffig-Jørgensen
Released: December 1, 2003
Type: TV
Gone with the Fish
Title: Gone with the Fish
Character: Læge
Released: September 3, 1999
Type: Movie
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Title: Nissebanden i Grønland
Character: Fru. Fiffig-Jørgensen
Released: December 1, 1989
Type: TV
Title: Ludo
Released: January 4, 1986
Type: TV
Title: Familien Krahne
Character: Kristine
Released: October 1, 1982
Type: TV
Following a old Circus artist now having a circus school and his family, a great entertaining series typical for Danish TV in the beginning to mid eighties.
Rubber Tarzan
Title: Rubber Tarzan
Character: Teacher
Released: October 15, 1981
Type: Movie
Ivan is a very lonely 8 year boy who is bullied almost every day in school. Even his father taunts him because Ivan litteraly is a weakling (That should explain the title Rubber Tarzan). As a result of this Ivan spends a lot of his time on daydreaming until he meets a kind of kindred spirit - the friendly and lonely crane driver Ole.
Title: Krigsdøtre
Character: Tine
Released: August 30, 1981
Type: TV
Thelma og Irene
Title: Thelma og Irene
Character: Rita
Released: September 20, 1977
Type: Movie