Igor Mirkurbanov

Igor Mirkurbanov

Born: October 2, 1960
in Tomsk, USSR, (Russia)

Movies for Igor Mirkurbanov...

Title: Финал
Released: February 20, 2025
Type: Movie
The story of one day - August 12, 2012. The Earl's Court Exhibition Center in London is filled with fans. Millions of viewers around the world are waiting for the start of the broadcast of the final volleyball game among men's teams, which will determine the winner of the XXX Olympic Games. The Russian team that has never won gold. And the Brazilian national team, caressed by contracts, victories and loyal fans. Many people think that the outcome of the game is predetermined. But few people yet know what place this final occupies in the life of each of the Russian athletes.
Title: Dear People
Character: Сергей Николаевич «Серж Гриен»
Released: October 17, 2023
Type: TV
The heroes of the almanac's stories are students who studied at the same institute in the 90s and lived together in a dormitory. Then many people left, their paths diverged and their lives turned out differently, but they did not lose touch and still communicate, help each other and share common problems. Fellow students meet 20 years later on the anniversary of their favorite teacher. But how many things will happen before this meeting…
Title: Sex. Before and After
Released: October 12, 2023
Type: TV
About what leads to sex, and what happens immediately after it. In one of the novels, a guy agrees to have a child with his best friend, unaware of her insidious plan. In another, a casual acquaintance makes a vegan wonder if sex contradicts her beliefs. And the dispute between two strangers about feminism is resolved in bed, where a woman is not going to remain in debt to a man. The heroes of the stories tell not about sex, but about what surrounds it.
Title: Chimera
Released: September 15, 2022
Type: TV
In 2012, the security forces won a large-scale war against drug trafficking. The largest shipments were intercepted and supply corridors from Afghanistan and Europe were paralyzed. But in just one year, a new one was created on the ruins of the largest underground market in Europe. And now modern technology and young geniuses have come here, turning the drug trade into a high-tech industrial industry.
Title: Penultimate Instance
Released: January 1, 2022
Type: TV
Maxim and Valentina work in the Department for the Distribution of Souls — 24 hours before the death of a person, they must determine where he will go — to hell or heaven. And since both are guaranteed paradise under an employment contract, Maxim is trying to earn extra money and sell a place in paradise to oligarchs, and Valentina dreams of returning her husband from hell.
Title: Pushkin's Fairy Tales. For Adults
Character: astrologer
Released: November 10, 2021
Type: TV
In each episode, the action of Pushkin's fairy tales is transferred to our reality. The familiar Pushkin images will become even clearer: The Princess will turn out to be an instablogger, Elisha will be a rapper, and the Golden Cockerel will be a neural network.
Title: Pushkin's Fairy Tales. For Adults
Character: Babarikh
Released: November 10, 2021
Type: TV
In each episode, the action of Pushkin's fairy tales is transferred to our reality. The familiar Pushkin images will become even clearer: The Princess will turn out to be an instablogger, Elisha will be a rapper, and the Golden Cockerel will be a neural network.
Title: Pushkin's Fairy Tales. For Adults
Character: Babarik
Released: November 10, 2021
Type: TV
In each episode, the action of Pushkin's fairy tales is transferred to our reality. The familiar Pushkin images will become even clearer: The Princess will turn out to be an instablogger, Elisha will be a rapper, and the Golden Cockerel will be a neural network.
Title: Insomnia
Released: October 7, 2021
Type: TV
43-year old Yuri is a successful psychiatrist and hypnotist. A raving and committed non-believer, he is capable of rationalizing anything…except for his own nightmares. In his dreams, he sees his ex-wife who, many years ago, committed suicide, which was partially his fault. A red-headed woman he doesn't know. And a strange symbol that looks like an infinity sign. Because of insomnia, Yuri is used to spending his night hours getting drunk at a strip joint, and at times he drags dancers to his home. During one of his visits, he meets a new young dancer named Anya and suddenly finds himself getting attached to her. A mother of a small boy tormented by nightmares turns to Yuri for help. As he tries to untangle this case, Yuri begins to find evidence that reincarnation exists. And the boy gives him a clue to the mystery of his own nightmares.
Title: Дуэты
Character: Self/Singer
Released: September 19, 2021
Type: TV
Title: Теория вероятности
Released: January 1, 2021
Type: TV
Title: Волк
Character: Эйтингер
Released: December 7, 2020
Type: TV
Title: The Terrible
Released: November 24, 2020
Type: TV
Ivan the Terrible is the most discussed Character in the Russian history. At the same time, Ivan is the most unsolved mystery of the Russian Czars. The scale of his political achievements has always overshadowed a living person, and the unparalleled cruelty that entered folklore literally ruled out the possibility of a more complex view of character. The series is an humble attempt to understand the origins of the actions of Ivan IV and look into the dark labyrinth of his soul. Ivan IV of Russia is gradually reborn into the same Ivan the Terrible - a cruel tyrant. And now rumors of his ruthlessness and violent temper are becoming true, and these changes in the character of the king are changing history. Enemies are approaching Russia - will the country be able to survive?
Title: Maelstorm
Character: Matas
Released: June 26, 2020
Type: TV
A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for. This evil destroys people with impunity, and each of the characters is forced to face it personally, look inside themselves to meet their own demons and fears.
Title: Games People Play
Released: April 26, 2020
Type: TV
An anthology style drama series looking at relationships during a pandemic ‘lockdown’. Each episode looks at a different relationship with a different story, some positive and some less so. Isolation doesn’t necessarily mean being alone…
Number One
Title: Number One
Released: March 19, 2020
Type: Movie
Artyom, a young adventurer, meets Felix - the once legendary art thief, who was called "Number One". The "Old School" and the newcomer decide to crank up the scam of the century - to steal one of the most expensive paintings of our time - "N 1" by Mark Rothko from the gallery owned by the ex-wife of Felix and her new husband. By chance, Artem meets Marina and falls in love with her. And she turns out to be an investigator and really wants to catch Felix red-handed.
Title: Отражение радуги
Character: Борис Пронин (психотерапевт)
Released: February 10, 2020
Type: TV
The Painting
Title: The Painting
Released: October 22, 2019
Type: Movie
A young artist Ivan is preparing a work for an exhibition on the preservation of values. His work causes a public outcry: it attracts the attention of religious activists of the "God's punishment" organization, officials and journalists. As a result, the painting is removed from the exhibition, and the activists first attack, and then set fire to the artist's studio. The painting is saved, but Ivan faces a criminal case, so together with the curator of the exhibition, he goes to the Pen & Paper Bar Association to find protection and get advice on what to do next in this situation. Lawyers are preparing a defense strategy, and a bewildered artist, who by chance found himself in the epicenter of an absurd religious and cultural conflict, confronts musician Sergei Shnurov at the door of the college. Who seems to need help too.
The Battle
Title: The Battle
Character: Yury Kotlov
Released: August 29, 2019
Type: Movie
The dreams of passionate street dancer Anton are crushed when an accidental injury makes him deaf. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he meets his true love and finds his vocation. Anton learns to listen to the music that comes from the inside and to create his own music through a dance that will never be the same. He starts to teach dancing to kids with hearing impairments and prepares a unique act with them. He takes great risks joining his former team with deaf kids for a new dance to take part in the World Championship.
Title: Russian Affairs
Character: Daryus
Released: March 7, 2019
Type: TV
Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.
Title: Russian Affairs
Released: March 7, 2019
Type: TV
Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.
Title: Call DiCaprio!
Character: Сергей Семенович
Released: October 20, 2018
Type: TV
The main character is the star of a popular TV series about doctors, actor Yegor Rumyantsev. Having achieved great success, he becomes an egoist and does not notice the feelings and experiences of those around him: he does not come to the shooting, leads a promiscuous sex life and deceives people. One day, Egor finds out that he has HIV. Rumyantsev's brother Lev is a mediocre and unlucky actor who runs a program about useful handicrafts on the cable channel "Ant-TV". Leo has a pregnant wife with two young daughters. He has no prospects for making money and moving up the career ladder until he gets a chance to replace his brother Yegor in the series.
Title: Porcelain House
Released: October 30, 2017
Type: TV
The year is 1982. Katya Koroleva, an athlete and a beauty, flees from the investigation to her sister in Moscow. Her sister gets her a job as a saleswoman at the Porcelain House store. Here Katya meets a KGB general, not knowing that her sister is cooperating with him. On the eve of Brezhnev's death, a real confrontation begins between two structures - the Interior Ministry and the KGB. Katya finds herself drawn into both this confrontation and a love triangle. And she is also overtaken by a criminal history, from which she escaped from Belgorod at one time.
Title: Sleepers
Character: Резник
Released: October 9, 2017
Type: TV
Sleepers (sleeper agents) are agents deeply incorporated into the structure of opposing forces. They are recruited before they get access to classified information, sometimes even before they start working in the field that interests the recruiting party. They are often recruited "to grow up". The action takes place in Moscow in June 2013 on the eve of major geopolitical events and upheavals that, as a result, will change the future life of the world.
Title: Учитель в законе. Схватка
Character: Луговской
Released: February 27, 2017
Type: TV
Моя революция
Title: Моя революция
Released: January 21, 2017
Type: Movie
Queen of Spades
Title: Queen of Spades
Character: Oleg
Released: November 17, 2016
Type: Movie
Once upon a time, the great soprano Sofia Mayer conquered the world with her voice, her beauty and the legend she carefully built around herself. Now only the legend remains — the diva herself hasn't performed for years, nor been seen in the glittering circles of society she once dominated. But the woman who fascinated and thrilled the world for so long would like to crown her career with one more triumph. And she'll use every dirty trick she knows to achieve it.
Title: Magnetism
Released: November 16, 2016
Type: Movie
An atheist girl falls in love with a village priest who was a successful businessman a year ago. At the same time, a local criminal authority falls in love with her and tries to achieve her in every way.
In Anticipation of Charlotte Corday
Title: In Anticipation of Charlotte Corday
Released: January 1, 2016
Type: Movie
About the path of becoming a talented young man. From early childhood, he was interested in painting and dreamed of becoming an artist. But he had to take special courses and get an education to do this. If you want something badly, even the heavens will be kind to you. Luck smiled on the hero. He gets into the best General education institution. The guy now goes there every day, and gets the information that a true art critic should have. Everyone who studies here comes from very wealthy families. The only person who got here from the people is the main character. He is not particularly eager to find friends, and the surrounding guys perceive him as an eyesore. The most well-mannered just ignore the guy. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult to study normally, you need to abstract and try to achieve your goals. Will the guy be able to finish school? Would no one be friends with him?
Title: Сплит
Character: Манфред, сплит, младший брат Ардока
Released: October 17, 2011
Type: TV
Title: Знахарь 2: Охота без правил
Released: August 29, 2011
Type: TV
Generation P
Title: Generation P
Released: April 14, 2011
Type: Movie
A chronicle of Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.
Охотники за караванами
Title: Охотники за караванами
Character: Новиков
Released: December 19, 2010
Type: Movie
Title: Montana
Character: Viktor
Released: February 7, 2008
Type: Movie
Nikolai, a Russian hit-man escapes from his adversaries into the streets of Los Angeles. He is taken into the household of Lesley and her son Johnny. In exchange for refuge, Nikolai repairs the single mother's decaying house and symbolically mends fences between everyday people of Russia and the U.S. When enemies get too close to his new home, Nikolai makes his escape to Montana.
Title: Antidur
Released: September 6, 2007
Type: Movie
Failing to complete an important assignment without casualties, fearless crime fighters from an elite special service agency, masters of disguise and simply fun guys "Velik" and "Koshka" were demoted to serve in a department of a Drug Enforcement Agency...
The Signpost to Destiny
Title: The Signpost to Destiny
Released: May 28, 2007
Type: Movie
Many myths, stories and traditions are associated with the lime tree, going back to the Middle Ages, Celtic times and as far back as Ancient Greece. In Russia, the story goes, that on discovering his lover's infidelity, landowner Pavel Kazantsev was so heartbroken that he could not forgive Anastasia's disloyalty and buried her alive. He planted a lime tree to mark the spot where she lay, and years later villagers still go to the tree to ask Anastasia for help, particularly in affairs of the heart. Marina is the wife of a successful businessman also coincidentally called Pavel Kazantsev. One day, after a family quarrel, Pavel takes Marina to their country house where she discovers that Oleg has a lover - Anastasia. Marina soon learns about the legend of Anastasia's tree from the local villagers. The coincidence with names is disturbing, but a worse discovery is still to come.
Title: Ellipsis
Character: Vadim Petrovich
Released: December 28, 2006
Type: Movie
Kira Georgievna is a famous sculptor. She has a loving husband, friends, and fans. She seems quite happy. But one day the past breaks into Kira's well-adjusted life: Vadim, her first husband, appears. In '37, he was repressed and spent 20 years in camps.
inhale & exhale
Title: inhale & exhale
Released: May 4, 2006
Type: Movie
A man invites a call girl to his place. He pays in advance for 10 hours of her time. He tells her about his ex-wife and happiness he once had. Her story is very similar to his. Why couldn't they keep their love? Can they return to their previous lives?
Made in Israel
Title: Made in Israel
Character: Vitali
Released: September 27, 2001
Type: Movie
Two pairs of assassins are sent by a holocaust survivor's son to bring the last Nazi for a show trial in Israel.
The Holy Land
Title: The Holy Land
Released: April 4, 2001
Type: Movie
A coming-of-age saga set against the tense backdrop of Arab-Israeli politics. Mendy is a young Rabbinical student whose mind is too full of curiosity about the world that exists outside the restrictions of Orthodox Judaism. Recognizing his distraction, Mendy's teacher suggests that he visit a prostitute to get it out of his system. But on a fateful night, when he meets Sacha, a captivating Russian expatriate, who works in a Tel Aviv bordello, his appetite for outside experience only grows stronger.
Go And Don't Look Back
Title: Go And Don't Look Back
Released: June 21, 1992
Type: Movie
Documentary filmmaker Tatiana is working on a film about former European boxing champion Vadim Larin. As a director, she wants him to return to the ring, which would make her film more optimistic. Larin himself, touched by Tatiana's attention and in love with her, is ready to respond to this wish. However, a victorious return to the ring did not work out...
Za posledney chertoy
Title: Za posledney chertoy
Released: July 9, 1991
Type: Movie
An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.
Кровь за кровь
Title: Кровь за кровь
Character: Minosyan
Released: February 1, 1991
Type: Movie
Title: Icaria
Character: Kazimir
Released: December 31, 1969
Type: Movie
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.