We'll another fantastic Winnie's Hometown Festival is over – I can hardly believe it. I wait and wait all year to go see my "favorite town of Pooh Peeps", I collect Poohs to donate to the festival and raffles, WAAAAYYY over pack t-shirts, sweatshirts and jacket – (man, did I over pack jackets...) and then, Poohf! It is over. And now next year should be an incredible year with it being Winnie's 100th Birthday.
Thanks again to White River for allowing me to be their festival Master of Ceremonies. I had a super time. Especially MCing "Family Feud". I'll never forget Bobby's answer to, "Name something that you cut". His answer was.... cheese.
And, as always, thank you to my sound guy – my wonderfully supportive and best enabler husband, Gary!! Love you sweetie!!