The Rescue: The Weight of the World

The Rescue: The Weight of the World

Julio returns with his family to Argentina after the downfall of the brutal dictatorship that overpowered long-standing democracy. Things soon take an ugly turn as his brother is kidnapped and Julio becomes the lead negotiator with the criminals.

Cast for The Rescue: The Weight of the World...

Andrea Garrote
Alicia Levy
Jorge Marrale
Elías Levy
Germán Palacios
Miguel Levy
Lautaro Hillal
Marcos Ferrante
Roberto Galvez
Luciano Suardi
Eduardo Goytia
Santiago Gobernori
Presidente Alfonsín
Gabriela Perisson
Valeria Caldero
Ricardo Larrama
Ministro Riccardi
Marcelo D'Andrea
Teniente Graco
Ricardo Truppel
Ministro Defensa Roque Méndez Arana
Carlos Manuel Iglesias
Secretario Presidencial