

Maurice and Dave sell high-end cuts of beef, but after hitting a patch of no sales, they're facing being fired. Maurice needs money to enroll in his final semester of acupuncture school, and the recently-separated Dave needs money for his daughter's birthday gift. Their final client card—a beautiful woman—is attracted to Maurice, but a desperate call from a suicidal friend interrupts her signing the contract. Still hoping to close the sale, they offer to drive her to the friend's house—where their troubles multiply.

Cast for Grilled...

Ray Romano
Burt Reynolds
Lisa Jane Persky
Sally Wilson
Caroline Aaron
Faye Goldbluth
Dorie Barton
Kristy the Waitress
Jack Kehler
Dick Abbott
Jon Polito
Leon Waterman
Wayne Federman
Stu Simmons
Richard Libertini
Rabbi Silver